Редактор графики — krita 4.1.7 + portable
- First Beta for Krita 5.0 released
- Layers
- Редактор изображений — Krita 4.1.0 + Portable
- Скачайте Krita на русском языке бесплатно для Windows
- Библиотеки
- As Part of Calligra Releases
- Colors and Gradients
- Tools
- Record your next painting session (MR 522, MR 180)
- 2-Point Perspective Assistant (MR 390)
- Limit Area feature for Assistants (MR 850).
- Improvements to the similar color selector tool (MR 587)
- In-stack transform preview
- Rotation ability in the Rectangle and Ellipse Tools (MR 768)
- Crop Canvas option in the crop tool (MR 800)
- Pop-up palette Improvements (MR 838, MR 922)
- Extra options for temporary tool invocations (MR 693)
- File Formats
- Icon Refresh and UI Polish
- Brushes
- Krita Releases
- Python
- Fill Layers
First Beta for Krita 5.0 released
Published 8/18/2021
Today, the Krita team releases the first beta for Krita 5.0. Krita 5.0 is a major release, with a lot of new features and a lot of changes.
The new splash screen, by Tyson Tan
First some warnings:
- Krita 5 has a completely new resource system. Krita no longer loads all brushes, patterns, gradients and so on start-up, but caches the information during the first run. Krita 5 will be slower starting on the first run, quicker on subsequent runs.
- The way Krita 5 keeps a version history for resources that are edited by the user is not compatible with Krita 4. After using Krita 5, going back to Krita 4 might cause Krita 4 to show duplicate resources.
- Krita 5 can no longer load vector layers created in Krita 3 and older.
- Krita files (.kra) and krita brush preset files (.kpp) created with Krita 5.0 are not guaranteed to be compatible with Krita 4!
- Krita 5.0 fixed . However, opening files created with earlier versions of Krita may require to get the originally expected text size.
- Known issue with this beta: If you run a G’Mic filter, Krita’s settings are temporary reset to default: the settings will be the customized once again after restarting Krita.
Now, what’s in it? The answer is a lot! Check out the full release notes for all the detail, but here’s short list of highlights:
- The new resource system that we have worked on for five years
- Gradient dithering and wide-gamut gradients
- Performance improvements, thanks to the LittleCMS fastfloat plugin
- The all-new MyPaint brush engine
- A completely rewritten color smudge brush engine
- A redesigned animation timeline docker
- Clone frames for animation
- Updated animation curves docker
- Transform mask animation
- The new storyboarding feature
- Refreshed icons and UI polish
- Support for HEIF, AVIF, WebP file formats
- Improved TIFF support
- A new painting recorder
- A new 2-point perspective assistant and a limit area feature for assistants
- In-stack transform tool preview
- Paste into a layer instead of pasting the clip as a new layer
- G’Mic for macOS
And a host of smaller improvements, smaller features and lots of performance improvements!
We intend to release the final version in September, but that is not a hard promise! We will continue fixing issues that come in from testing the beta and the nightly builds so we can release a solid Krita 5. Please consider supporting Krita’s development through the development fund:
- Drag and drop colors onto the canvas and layer tree (MR 703) — Colors can new be dragged and dropped from the Palette Docker to the canvas or Layers Docker. While dropping a color onto the canvas causes the selected area to be filled that that color, dropping a color onto the Layers Docker will create a new Fill Layer containing that color.
- Filter Layers by Name (MR 292) — Our new layer filter widget allows you to filter layers by name, on top of color label.
- Isolate Active Group (MR 310) — We’ve also added a new “Isolate Active Group” isolation mode. Found in the context menu when right-clicking on a layer, this mode temporarily makes the current group that you’re working on the only thing that’s visible.
- Non-destructive layer soloing (MR 335) — A perhaps little-known feature, “soloing” a layer by shift-clicking on its eye icon can now be exited without permanently changing layer visibility.
- Paste Into Layer (MR 732) — Community contributor Paolo Amadini has added the ability to paste directly into the active layer, as well as the active frame of an animated layer.
With the new layer search, you can filter the layers by name.
Редактор изображений — Krita 4.1.0 + Portable
Krita является графическим приложением, которое подстраивается под ваши требования — дает вам полнофункциональный рабочий стол на компьютере, и обтекаемый сенсорный дружественный интерфейс на планшете или большом экране! Все пользователи будут наслаждаться спектром реалистичных и экспериментальных кисточек. Профессиональные художники будут пользоваться быстрыми, высококачественными параметрами рендеринга и поддержки различных цветовых профилей. Krita используется, как любителями так и профессиональными художниками в игровых студиях, в VFX индустриях и дизайн-студиях. Художники используют инновационные кисти и интуитивный интерфейс, для создания концепт-артов, текстуры и матовых картин, иллюстраций, раскадровки и многого другого. Редактор поддерживает многослойную обработку изображений, предоставляет средства для работы с различными цветовыми моделями и обладает большим набором средств для цифровой живописи, создания скетчей и формирования текстур.Системные требования:• Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (32/64-bit) Торрент Редактор изображений — Krita 4.1.0 + Portable подробно:• Krita поддерживает многослойную обработку изображений.• Широкий выбор кистей (в том числе смешивающие, фильтрующие, эффектные, спрей, кисти для заполнения объемов).• Большое количество режимов наложения.• Средства рисования HDR-изображений.• Возможность работы сразу с несколькими изображениями.• Большой набор средств для цифровой живописи, создания скетчей и формирования текстур.• Управление динамикой кистей с помощью графического планшета.• Инструмент Cage для пластичной деформации по обрамляющей объект клетке• Можно одновременно открыть варианты с разными уровнями масштабирования.• Имитация бумаги и пастели.• Псевдо-бесконечный холст. Поворот и зеркалирование холста.• Поддержка популярного формата OpenRaster.• Средства для работы с различными цветовыми моделями.• Возможность определения временных преднастроек кистей.• Инструмент для пластичной деформации по обрамляющей клетке.• Возможность выделения прозрачных каналов в отдельные маски прозрачности.• Возможности для создания 3D-текстур и изображений.• Возможна работа с группами слоёв.• Инструмент для изменения перспективы слоя — Perspective.• Улучшена поддержка 16-разрядных многослойных файлов.• Возможность импорта RAW-файлов.• Экспорт в PSD векторных слоёв.Изменения в версии 4.1.0:Перевод Google• Новый инструмент опорных изображений, заменяющий докеры старых эталонных изображений.• Теперь вы можете сохранять и загружать сеансы: набор изображений и просмотров изображений, над которыми вы работали• Вы можете создавать макеты рабочего стола с несколькими мониторами• Улучшенный рабочий процесс для работы с кадрами анимации• Улучшенный дисплей временной шкалы анимации• Теперь Krita может обрабатывать большую анимацию, буферизируя визуализированные кадры на диск• Теперь у сборщика цветов есть опция смешивания• Улучшенный помощник по исчезновению — и помощники могут быть нарисованы с помощью пользовательских цветов• Теперь скриптовый модуль Krita можно создать с помощью Python 2• Также включена первая часть летней комедии Ивана Йоси «Работа по улучшению работы масок кисти с помощью векторизации»!О Portable-версии:Портативная версия от разработчика, работает без установки в систему.Примечание от разработчика:Мы обнаружили ошибку, при которой активация инструмента преобразования приведет к сбою, если вы ранее выбрали фильтр Box. Если вы столкнулись с сбоем при включении инструмента преобразования в krita 4.1.0, перейдите в файл kritarc ( docs.krita.org/en/KritaFAQ.ht … ) и удалите строку, которая говорит «filterId = Box» в разделе . Приносим извинения за неудобства. Мы опубликуем исправление об исправлении ошибок как можно скорее.
Скриншоты Редактор изображений — Krita 4.1.0 + Portable торрент:
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Обзор Krita
Krita (Крита) – бесплатное программное обеспечение для работы с растровыми графическими изображениями. Раньше приложение было частью офисной программы Calligra Suite, но позже развилось в самостоятельную программу – полноценный редактор растровой графики. Программа выпускается в двух отдельных пакетах – под 32-х разрядную версию системы и под 64-х разрядную. Кроме этого, официально выпускается портабельная версия приложения, также разделенная по разрядности системы.
Функционал Krita
Главной особенностью программы разработчики называют ее заточенность под рисование с нуля. Однако, несмотря на это, утилита может успешно использоваться и фотографами. Для это в Krita имеется целый ряд инструментов. Краткий перечень возможностей программы выглядит так:
- Имитация работы по холсту;
- Ретуширование, наложение масок и корректирующих слоев;
- Имитация реальной бумаги и пастели;
- Возможность написать полноценную художественную картину, используя лишь функционал приложения;
- Встроенные фильтры для коррекции изображений;
- Возможность импорта в RAW;
- Приложение эмулирует реальные инструменты для создания картин – холсты и кисти.
Кроме этого, программа может работать с проектами, начатыми в Photoshop, полноценно поддерживая даже многослойные *PSD-файлы. Встроенные эффекты позволяют зеркалить изображения, вставлять или удалять выделенные элементы с готовых полотен или фотографий.
Так как Krita ориентирована на художников, то реализация инструментов для рисования выполнена на высоком уровне. Инструментарий представлен различными видами кистей, позволяющими выполнять смешивание, работать с эффектами и фильтрами. Есть кисти-спреи и кисти для заливки.
Интерфейс программы прост в освоении и напоминает всем известный Photoshop. Способствуют этому серая тема оформления и расположение панелей с инструментами по краям основного рабочего окна.
Первая версия программы была выпущена в 2005 году, а последняя, с индексом 3.3.2, в 2017 году. Интерфейс Krita поддерживает русский язык.
Похожие программы
AutoCAD — система автоматизированного проектирования от Autodesk
CorelDRAW — программа для работы с векторной графикой
Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Photoshop — графический редактор, для обработки фотографий
GIMP — бесплатный графический редактор
Paint.NET — бесплатный инструмент для работы с растровой графикой
SketchUp — программа для создания несложных трехмерных моделей
Picasa — просматривайте, редактируйте и организовывайте изображения
FastStone Image Viewer
Sweet Home 3D
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
ACDSee — утилита для просмотра изображений на компьютере
Autodesk 3ds Max
Paint Tool SAI — графический редактор для цифрового рисования
Photoscape — программа, предназначенная для работы с растровой графикой
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Revit
Anime Studio Pro
Аудио | Видео программы
Графические программы
Microsoft Office
Интернет программы
Диски и Файлы
Krita создана на базе следующих библиотек свободного программного обеспечения:
- Boost: Boost Software License — Version 1.0
- DrMingw: LGPLv2.1
- Eigen3: MPL2
- Exiv2: GPLv2
- Expat: MIT
- fftw3: GPLv2+
- fontconfig: BSD
- freetype: FTL or GPLv2
- gettext: GPLv3
- giflib: BSD
- gmic: CeCILLv2.1
- gmic-qt: GPLv3
- GNU Scientific Library: GPLv3
- libheif: LGPLv3
- iconv: LGPLv2 or GPLv3
- ilmbase: Modified BSD
- libjpeg-turbo: BSD
- littlecms2: MIT
- libraw: LGPLv2.1 or CDDL 1.0
- OpenColorIO: BSD
- OpenEXR: Modified BSD
- libpng: libpng license
- poppler: GPLv2 and GPLv3
- PyQt: GPLv3
- Python: Python Software Foundation License v2
- Qt: GPLv2 + GPLv3 + LGPLv2.1 + LGPLv3
- SIP: GPLv3
- libiff: BSD
- Vc: BSD
- zlib: BSD
- KDE Frameworks 5: LGPLv+
As Part of Calligra Releases
Krita 2.4: Moebius Release
- 2.4.0 12-04-2012, release announcement, release notes, feature tour, calligra.org This was the first version of Krita that was ready for professional use.
- 2.4.1: 25-04-2012, calligra.org
- 2.4.2: 30-05-2012, calligra.org
- 2.4.3: 27-06-2012, calligra.org
- 2.5.0: 13-08-2012, release announcement, calligra.org
- 2.5.1: 29-08-2012, calligra.org
- 2.5.2: 13-09-2012, calligra.org
- 2.5.3: 06-11-2012, calligra.org
- 2.5.4: 21-11-2012, calligra.org
- 17-12-2012: Krita Foundation created.
- 2.6.0: 05-02-2013, release announcement, calligra.org
- 2.6.1: 20-02-2013, calligra.org
- 2.6.2: 13-04-2013, calligra.org
- 2.6.3: 15-05-2013, calligra.org
- 2.6.4: 04-06-2013, calligra.org
- 2.7.0: 01-08-2013, release announcement, calligra.org,
- 2.7.1: Was never released. Why not? We’ve forgotten.
- 2.7.2: 26-08-2013, calligra.org
- 2.7.3: 11-10-2013, calligra.org
- 2.7.4: 17-10-2013, calligra.org
- 2.7.5: 27-11-2013, calligra.org
2.8: Ready for Windows!
- 2.8.0: 04-03-2014, release announcement, calligra.org
- 2.8.1: 28-03-2014, release announcement, calligra.org
- 2.8.2: 16-04-2014, release announcement, calligra.org
- 2.8.3: 15-05-2014, release announcement, calligra.org
- 2.8.4: Never happened — why not, we don’t know anymore.
- 2.8.5: 05-07-2014, calligra.org
- 2.8.6: 24-09-2014, calligra.org
- 2.8.7: 03-12-2014, calligra.org
2.9: The Kickstarter Release
- 2.9.0: 25-02-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.1: 16-03-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.2: 04-02-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.3: 29-04-2015, calligra.org This release was cancelled because of a last-minute bug.
- 2.9.4: 06-05-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.5: 10-06-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.6: 09-07-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.7: 02-09-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.8: 14-10-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.9: 05-11-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.10: 09-12-2015, release announcement
- 2.9.11: 04-02-2016, release announcement
Colors and Gradients
Dithered gradients (MR 668)
Gradients are an excellent way to quickly setup the main color swatches of your image, for example, a quick linear gradient for the horizon, or several radial gradients for light sources. However, if you used subtle gradients, you would sometimes see banding, caused by there being too few colors available in 8 bit images for a smooth gradient. We have implemented dithering for gradients in 8 bit images, which involves using a blue noise pattern to create a little bit of offset in the boundary between colors. This way, even 8 bit images which don’t always have enough colors to trick the human eye that something is smooth, can have the illusion of smoothness in these gradients.
There was a Libre Graphics Meeting talk discussing the technical details.
Wide gamut and unbounded gradients (MR 668 , MR 675).
But not only the 8 bit images got love. For images in 16 and 32 bit, the gradients Krita generates will now be able to use the full scale available. Furthermore, we’ve made it possible to store wide gamut and unbounded colors using SVG 1.1 icc-color definitions, meaning that you can now have radial gradients that contain rec2020 green, or whites that would only be possible in HDR images, bringing the conveniences of the gradient tool to people who work in these higher bit depths. We hope to support CSS 4 color definitions for the stop gradients when it’s draft has been completed.
Gradient Editors got an overhaul (MR 857).
They are now more cohesive, compact and convenient, with small options left and right to make creating gradients easier than before.
Faster color management with LittleCMS fastfloat plugin (MR 726)
Color management via LittleCMS enables us to display colors accurately, and is also necessary for professional features like soft proofing and color model support, and is always applied to Krita’s view of the image. With the fast float plugin, the speed of color management improves drastically, especially with 32bit float. This is enabled by default in Krita 5.0.
Comparison of gradients with and without dither, with an extra set of examples with increased contrast to display the difference.
Not only is the gradient editor improved and more compact, but you can now also load and save gradients that use CMYK stops!
The two point perspective assistant is a quick and convenient way to set up what before required two vanishing points and a parallel assistant. Combined with the area limiter, this tool should prove very useful for comics and concept art.
With in-stack transform, the blending modes and overlapping layers are composited on top of the transform preview. This was a feature funded by the Blender Institute.
Ellipses and rectangles can now be rotated as you draw them.
Record your next painting session (MR 522, MR 180)
Thanks to community contributor Dmitrii Utkin, Krita artists can now record a time-lapse video of their creative sessions with the new Recorder Docker! (Also, a quick shout out to another community contributor, Shi Yan, for their good work on this feature. Thank you both for your contributions.)
2-Point Perspective Assistant (MR 390)
Another community contributor, Nabil Maghfur Usman, has added a brand new 2 Point Perspective assistant. This assistant keeps vanishing points reasonably spaced and on the horizon line, draws a grid to help visualize perspective distortion, and is great for adding solidity and depth to your drawings.
Limit Area feature for Assistants (MR 850).
The two-point and vanishing point assistants are designed so their previews and areas you can snap to draw over the whole image. With limit area, two extra handles are added so you can limit the area in which the assistant is effective, which is very useful for comic pages.
Improvements to the similar color selector tool (MR 587)
The similar color selector can now, like the contiguous selector, select only from layers with color labels. Furthermore, it’s been sped up through multi-threading.
In-stack transform preview
Our transform tool preview is now composited into the layer stack. Before, Krita’s transform preview was always hovering above all the layers in the canvas, meaning that you could not see if something aligned correctly, or what the effect would be with blending modes and filters applied.
Rotation ability in the Rectangle and Ellipse Tools (MR 768)
Where before rotated rectangles and ellipses required an additional transform after the fact, you can now directly draw them with their tools, using Ctrl+Alt during drawing.
Crop Canvas option in the crop tool (MR 800)
Much like the frame crop, you can now also crop the canvas alone with the crop tool, which will leave the layers and the frames alone.
Pop-up palette Improvements (MR 838, MR 922)
As per tradition, another update to the pop-up palette, courtesy of Mathias Wein and Alan North. Maximum brush presets are increased from 30 to 45, pop up size can be configured, as well as the visibility of the color history and rotation rings and other navigation options. Furthermore, it was already possible to switch between the simple triangle and wide gamut selector since 3.0, but only as a hidden option. Now this toggle and other features have gotten their own section in the user settings.
Extra options for temporary tool invocations (MR 693)
Previous versions of Krita allowed briefly switching to the line tool by holding ‘V’ and would switch back when released. Thanks to Tom tom, it is now possible to configure similar actions in the Canvas Input Settings for Ellipse, Rectangle, Move, Fill, Gradient, Measure and several of the selection tools.
File Formats
This avif is a frame from Cosmos Laundromat, encoded in rec 2100 pq. Krita opens files like these as 32bit float linear images, making them ready to be used with the LUT docker.
Heif plugin update and Avif support (MR 530).
Heif and Avif are the new formats being used by mobile phone cameras, with Avif in particular being slated as a new image format for websites. Krita now supports loading and saving for both RGB and monochrome, 8 bit, 10 bit and 12 bit to these two file formats. Color space encoding is full supported, including the HDR options such as Rec 2100 PQ and Rec 2100 HLG. The official binaries will also ship rav1e and dav1d for speedy encoding and decoding of Avif.
Improved Tiff support (MR 907, MR 929, MR 962)
Many improvements have come to the venerable tiff plugin: It now supports signed integer formats (as opposed to only unsigned), floating point formats and premultiplied alpha. The UI has been improved with the fax option removed. There is also a patch in the works for 5.1 to get support for Photoshop style tiffs, which should greatly improve interoperability.
WebP plugin improvements (MR 891)
We’ve now got a plugin based on the official libwebp codec. Where before the webp options were limited to compression, this new plugin contains all possible configuration options available to libwebp. Including the presets!
krz archival kra file format
A feature request granted, Krita can now save to KRZ, which is a KRA file with the preview removed and compression added. This is useful for archiving.
Extra options for export (MR 710)
Sachin Jindal added the option to crop and resize an image before export. When exporting images, you’ll often want to crop and resize them before export. Many an artist has however made the mistake of accidentally saving over their working file with their export file. With the new advanced export, you can avoid this problem.
Icon Refresh and UI Polish
In addition to the icon refresh, you can now change to any widget style available to your platform. This screenshot is in the Oxygen widget style, which is available on Linux distributions.
Our icons were last refreshed for 2.9, and over the years a few hiccups had emerged. Timothée Giet was hired to give the icon set a good scrubbing, and the UI overall had all sorts of little tweaks done by Raghavendra Kamath, Pedro Reis, Scott Petrovic, Tom Tom, Simon Repp, Paul Franz, Andrei Rudenko, Daniel (Sxnic), and Alvin Wong.
- Add option to auto hide controls in overview docker (MR 739) — This makes it so the view controls hide in the overview docker when not in use, giving the maximum room to the overview itself.
- Docker locks have returned (MR 623) — Locking dockers is helpful for those with sensitive tablet stylii, as sometimes a subtle stroke can undock a docker.
- Docker collapse has been removed (MR 622) — Collapsing dockers seemed to only confuse people and has therefore been removed.
- Color Selector Uses Theme Color for Background (MR 365) — This was mid-grey to give an unbiased understanding of the color, but it can now be turned off for extra consistency.
- Support for user-installed themes on Linux and widget style selection (MR 557, MR 354) — Krita’s looks can be modified with both theme and widget style. You could already choose the theme, but now it’s also possible to change the widget style on the fly, allowing users to switch between all widget styles available for your platform.
My Paint Brush engine (MR 464, MR 582)
MyPaint’s brush engine is known for it’s interesting experiments in how to think of brushes. Krita had some support for it in the distant past, but we had to remove that plugin. Now, Ashwin has created a new integration of this engine, allowing for MyPaint 1.2 brushes to be loaded into Krita and used for your artworks.
Rewritten Color Smudge engine (MR 765)
With the pixel brush now capable of lightness and gradient mapped brush tips, the color smudge engine was to follow. This required a full rewrite of how the engine works, and often requested features like separation of color rate and color smudge have been added into the mix as well, plus optimization improvements!
New modes for textured brushes (MR 806).
Deif Lou has added a variety of new modes for the texture option. Hard Mix, Color Dodge, Color Burn, Overlay, Height, Linear Height and more will now be available for all engines supporting them, and the Hard Mix Softer mode is also available for the Masked Brush blending.
Krita Releases
Krita 3.0
This version implemented the Animation components and ported Krita to Qt5
- 3.0.0: 31-05-2016, release announcement, release notes
- 3.0.1: 06-09-2016, release announcement
- 3.1.0: Was replaced immediately by 3.1.1 because of a last-minute bug.
- 3.1.1: 13-12-2016, release announcement, release notes
- 3.1.2: 01-02-2017, release announcement, release notes
- 3.1.3: 01-05-2017, release announcement, release notes
- 3.1.4: 26-05-2017, release announcement
- 3.2.0: 17-08-2017, release announcement, release notes
- 3.2.1: 25-08-2017, release announcement
- 3.3.0: 28-09-2017, release announcement
- 3.3.1: 11-10-2017, release announcement
- 3.3.2: 03-11-2017, release announcement
- 3.3.3: 12-01-2018, release announcement
Krita 4.0
This version improved Vectors, Text Tool and Scripting.
- 4.0.0: 22-03-2018, release announcement, release notes, dot.kde.org story
- 4.0.1: 11-04-2018, release announcement
- 4.0.2: 10-05-2018, release announcement
- 4.0.3: 12-05-2018, release announcement
- 4.0.4: 13-06-2018, release announcement
Krita 4.1
This version improved Reference Images Tool, Sessions and performance.
- 4.1.0: 27-06-2018, release announcement, release notes, dot story.
- 4.1.1: 18-07-2018, release announcement
- 4.1.3: 27-09-2018, release announcement
- 4.1.5: 11-10-2018, release announcement
- 4.1.7: 13-12-2018, release announcement
- 4.1.8: 06-03-2019, this was a release only for X11 based OS (Linux, *BSD) distributions that had moved to Qt 5.12 to provide a workaround for bugs in that version of Qt. Nobody else needs it, and there are no bug fixes in it.
Krita 4.2
This version brought HDR support, gamut masks and performance.
- 4.2.0: 29-05-2019, release announcement, release notes
- 4.2.1: 06-06-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.2: 27-06-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.3: 17-07-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.4: 31-07-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.5: 02-08-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.6: 10-09-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.7: 03-10-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.8: 27-11-2019, release announcement
- 4.2.9: 26-03-2020, release announcement.
Krita 4.3
This version brought new filters, improved brushes, watercolor brush presets, first beta on Android and ChromeOS, snapshot docker, the magnetic selection tool is back.
4.3.0: 18-06-2020, release announcement, release notes
Krita 4.4
This version brought new generators for Fill layers, SeExpr and updated filters.
- 4.4.0: 13-10-2020, release announcement, release notes
- 4.4.1: 29-10-2020, release announcement
- 4.4.2: 19-01-2021, release announcement: a sneaky feature release with mesh gradients, mesh transforms, more fill layer types and new brush presets.
- 4.4.3: 24-03-2021, release announcement.
- 4.4.4: 24-03-2021 This release was only created to release on the Epic Store.
- 4.4.5 09-06-2021 release announcement
- 4.4.6 09-06-2021 This release was only created to release on the Epic Store.
- 4.4.7 07-08-2021 release announcement
GDQUEST Batch Exporter add-on
An exporter for batch exporting the layers and positions from Krita. Made by the folks over at Game Design Quest:
API changes
- Return list of available dockers for application in python
- add signal to notify when theme changed
- Add signal when active view changes in python
- Add showFloatingMessage to View API
- New widget bindings: scratchpad. See an example of a scratchpad docker built using python.
New Python scripting website
To learn about the new scripting APIs, or learn how to script with Krita in general, a new website was made to assist. It is broken apart into various sections of what scripting can do.
Fill Layers
This release brings a lot of updates and changes to fill layers.
Multi-threading for fill layers
Fill layers can now make use of multi-threading. This means that if your computer has multiple cores, Krita can subdivide the calculation work for making fill layers between them. This makes fill layers a lot faster.
Transformations for the pattern fill
The different pattern transforms possible now.
The patterns of fill layers can now be transformed, allowing you to amongst others, rotate the patterns. This has also been implemented for the shape drawing tools and the bucket fill, and had been long on the to-do list.
A new fill layer option specialized in filling the whole screen with dots, squares, lines, waves or more. This fill layer allows you to quickly generate the simple pattern you need on the fly, which is very useful for those doing comic book illustration or similar highly graphics styles.
A fill layer that generates, among others, Penrose tilings, as well as Quasicrystal structures. The results are rotationally symmetric, but aperiodic, meaning these rhomb patterns don’t repeat themselves.
This filter was inspired by the next item on the list…
SeExpr Manual
Amyspark’s Google Summer of Code project, the integration of Disney Animation’s SeExpr expression language. SeExpr is in effect a tiny shader language that is used by Walt Disney Animation Studios itself to generate textures and materials on the fly for their animations. Within Krita, this allows you to code your own fill layers. We’ve also tried to come up with a good set of defaults to work off from and included them.