Wondershare edraw max free download

Plans and Pricing

Edraw Max has three categories of pricing—Individual, Business, and Academic/Non-Profit – with each of those having three licenses—Subscription, Perpetual, and Lifetime.

Full access to all software functions and 280 types of diagrams is available for all the licenses across all three categories, as is 1GB of cloud storage space. And in each case, the license can be used for two devices.

(Image credit: Wondershare)

For each category, the Subscription license is paid monthly, and the software will only work on Windows. You’re also guaranteed one year of upgrades and support. The Perpetual license will work on Windows and macOs and is a one-off purchase with three years of free upgrades and support. The Lifetime license is also a one-off purchase, but will also work on Linux and comes with a lifetime of free upgrades and support.

The subscription license is $99, which works out at $8.25/month for the first year. Pricing is then reduced to $5.75/month if you renew. The Perpetual license will cost $116.40 and the Lifetime license $159.30.

The subscription license is $69.30, with the price remaining the same for both the first year and subsequent years. The Perpetual license is $125.30 and the Lifetime license $171.50.

Pricing for the Business category is per user, and everything produced with the software can be used for commercial purposes.

The subscription license pricing is the same as for the Individual plan but is for a single user. Pricing goes up to $1,299 for 20 users. The Perpetual license starts at $179 for a single user and goes up to $1,999 for 20, and the Lifetime license goes from $245 up to $2,999.

Entity Relationship Diagram Examples

To further understand what is an Entity Relationship Diagram and how they are created, let’s consider these three examples.

1. Account Transaction Database

Let’s start with the simplest case of an ER model. This ER diagram has three major entities – customer, account, and transactions. In the case of joint account holders, more than one customer can have a single account. Additionally, from each account, multiple transactions can be made.

2. Student Course Database

Here, Student, Course, and Professor are three different entity sets. Each set has a unique key – student id, course id, and professor id, besides their individual attributes. As you can see that multiple students can be assigned to multiple courses. Though, individual courses are delivered by dedicated professionals (one-to-one cardinality).

3. Company Staff Database

Finally, let’s consider a more complex ER diagram. In this, we can see that one company can have multiple staff members. Each of them has an ID, which acts as a primary key. Age is a derived attribute from date of birth. To expand the Staff entity, we have listed if they have kids, whom they are married to, and what job they perform.

Начните проектировать нашу диаграмму

Итак, как только мы выбрали тип и формат, которые нас больше всего интересуют в каждом случае, нам нужно только щелкнуть по нему на правой панели. Затем появятся соответствующие шаблоны, доступные для этого дизайна. Это приведет нас к рабочему столу.

Это будет тогда, когда шаблон что служит основой проекта загружается, когда наша работа действительно начнется. Но, конечно, как мы видим, EdrawMax сделал большую часть этого за нас заранее. Теперь мы должны начать с задач адаптации и настройки диаграммы, которая у нас есть на экране. Для этого в программе представлено большое количество функций и инструментов, многие из которых ориентированы на дизайн.

Таким образом, у нас будет возможность настраивать тексты и шрифты или добавлять новые объекты, связанные с шаблоном. В то же время у нас есть возможность добавлять собственные изображения, Графики , столы, QR-коды и множество других предметов.

основные черты

Эта программа Wondershare EdrawMax позволит нам создавать блок-схемы, интеллектуальные карты, организационные диаграммы, сетевые диаграммы, где мы можем разместить маршрутизаторы, коммутаторы, точки доступа, брандмауэры и многие другие устройства, связанные с сетями и серверами. Конечно, мы также можем создавать планы этажей с большой галереей примеров и шаблонов, чтобы значительно облегчить их модификацию, так что нам не нужно создавать всю схему с нуля. Одной из наиболее важных особенностей этого программного обеспечения является то, что оно имеет большое количество шаблонов и символов, таким образом, мы можем быстро начать разработку, выбрав из тысяч шаблонов, разработанных для профессиональной среды.

Wondershare EdrawMax позволяет импортировать файлы Visio и даже экспортировать все схемы в различные широко известные форматы файлов, такие как Visio, PDF, Word, PPT, JPEG, файлы HTML и другие. По сравнению с Visio это программное обеспечение позволяет нам без каких-либо усилий создавать более 260 типов диаграмм, от самых технических диаграмм до инфографики, поэтому мы также можем использовать его в отделе маркетинга, а не только в техническом отделе.

Другими сильными сторонами этого программного обеспечения является то, что мы можем видеть всю информацию очень интуитивно, мы можем рисовать все, что угодно, и у нас будут контекстные меню с более продвинутыми параметрами, кроме того, у нас будут интеллектуальные и динамические инструменты для настройки всего в деталях. .

Эта программа доступна для Microsoft Windows, Linux , а также Мак операционных систем, кроме того, у нас есть веб-версия, чтобы сделать все диаграммы онлайн без необходимости установки программного обеспечения. Конечно, в случае систем Windows он без проблем поддерживает Windows 10 x64, кроме того, он доступен на нескольких языках, включая испанский.

Какие плюсы и минусы у EdrawSoft?

EdrawSoft предлагает ряд инструментов. Это затрудняет определение его индивидуальных плюсов и минусов. Хотя эта платформа позаботится обо всех ваших потребностях в дизайне, вы можете легко выбрать один из вариантов, чтобы решить, какой вариант лучше всего подходит для вашего бизнеса. Тем не менее, это некоторые преимущества использования EdrawSoft, о которых вы можете прочитать ниже.


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Разумные цены

Хотя большая часть

Учебники и видеоуроки

EdrawSoft имеет базу данных видеоуроков и руководств, которые не требуют пояснений. Более того, эти уроки предлагают вам пошаговое руководство по всем их продуктам, что упрощает использование этих инструментов.

Инструменты, которые предлагает EdrawSoft, бесплатны, вы можете воспользоваться EdrawSoft max по довольно разумной цене, особенно если учесть список предлагаемых им функций.


Вам действительно не понадобится бесплатная пробная версия для большинства их продуктов, поскольку они бесплатны. Однако в случае с Max они также предлагают вам бесплатный пробный период.

30 дней возврата денег

Подумайте о том, чтобы купить Edraw Max премиум-пакетом. Если вы чувствуете, что это не стоит ваших денег, в чем я очень сомневаюсь, вы вернете свои деньги через 30 дней.


Если вы спросите меня о недостатках EdrawSoft после тестирования всех этих инструментов, я должен сказать, что их нет. Более того, если вы обнаружите, что в одном из инструментов отсутствует какая-либо функция, другой инструмент компенсирует это.

Wondershare Edraw Max Overview

Wondershare Edraw Max is a reliable and amazing 2D and 3D diagram designing tool for architects, designers and engineers allowing them to create professional and high-quality diagrams, Gantt chart a, UML diagrams, business cards, flyers, certificates, invoices, house plans and many more.It is a powerful and comprehensive cross-platform designing application that offers a rich gallery of examples, effects, styles and templates and small sample images allowing the users to produce efficient and attractive images. Also, it offers huge built-in graphic library which includes more than 50,000 graphic shapes like various type of symbols, icons and shapes.It is an efficient application for students, teachers, and business professionals enabling them to reliably create and publish all kinds of diagrams to represent any sorts of ideas. It has got a wide range of collaborative tools which enables you and your teammates to edit designs and files simultaneously. It has a unique and straightforward user-friendly interface that is easy to use. You can also download Grapholite Free Download.

Wondershare Edraw Max is a full-featured designing application that provides you with all the essential tools and functions you are required to make professional and perfect sketches.The program also supports cloud storage so that you can get access and share your workflow on any device , any time and any where. It has the ability to import your designs into a wide range of popular formats like HTML, PDF, BMP, ZIP, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, WMF, and EMF.Moreover, the streamlined print preview shows your diagram page breaks and zooms capabilities clearly.The program is highly secure as well, all the information and file transfers are secured with the highest level of SSL encryption. Hence, nobody will able to access your files without your permission.All in all, Wondershare Edraw Max is one of the best 2D diagramming platform which can be used for creating and managing multiple diagrams such as flowcharts, floor plans, mind maps, network diagrams, engineering diagrams and more. You can also download eDrawings Pro 2020 Free Download.

Edraw Max Review Summary

One of the standout qualities of Edraw Max software is the extensive collection of templates and examples. Whether you want to create a flow chart, network diagram, floor plans, or organization charts, you have a rich gallery of preset templates to pick from. This all-in-one diagramming program simplifies your rather challenging tasks while rendering designing and documenting projects fun.

Besides the rich gallery of templates and examples, Edraw Max boasts excellent file compatibility. Unlike other diagramming tools in the price range, this program allows you to effortlessly export your drawings, charts, and plans to various familiar file formats. Everything from PDF, PPT, Visio, Html, Word, and JPEG; the flexibility degree is unmatched.

Away from the flexibility, the Wondershare Edraw Max software allows you to create up to 280 types of diagrams. And while this number might sound regular, no other program delivers these numbers for Edraw’s price. Moreover, the possibilities are spread between technical diagrams and infographics, leaving you with a huge wiggle room.


  • Features a rich gallery of smartly organized templates, examples, and tutorials.
  • Delivers dynamic network diagrams with real-time graphics linking.
  • Allows for file conversion to different familiar formats.
  • Boasts lightweight yet powerful and incredibly enhanced effects and themes.
  • Great and responsive customer service

What is an ER diagram?

As the name suggests, an ER diagram depicts the relationship between two or more entities. This could be real-world entities or entity sets of a database. The model helps us build a logical structure of the database or the overall connectivity in software development. Ideally, an Entity Relationship Diagram looks like any other flowchart at first. Though, there are specific symbols and properties that set them apart.

There are different levels of ER diagrams that are used to depict the conceptual, logical, and physical dependencies between different entities. Therefore, these diagrams can range from a simple to a complex structure. For instance, this is a simple ER diagram that describes the relationship between entities like writers, novels, and consumers.

Edraw Max 10.5.3 Crack With License Key For (Mac/Win)

Edraw Max 10.5.3 Crack is the complete toolkit categorized as creating for the professional diagram. It arrived with the modern features that make the easy creation of more than 210 sorts of diagrams related to the mind app, flow chart, organizational diagram, network diagram, database diagram, floor plans. Plus, the chart for the different types of business and the engineering diagrams. What is more, carry out the entire editing task with one mouse click and improve your work productivity either at home or at the office.

Edraw Max Crack Full Torrent Download 2021

So, running this mind-blowing software is the right answer to deal with building plans, business presentations, science illustrations, electrical diagrams, wireframes, electrical diagrams, and more. Edraw Max Crack Download purposes the huge collection of ready-made templates for starting the journey of designing for beginners. Hence, create 2D professional diagrams and enhance your business as well. It arranges the good but the time-saving source for the various professional users for making their project in the simple style.

Makes diagrams through the build-in symbols and picks the icons for your project. The cool feature of this application is the incorporation of shapes of various sizes. Therefore, Edraw Max 10.0.6 License Key edits your diagrams from over 50000 contents and makes your plan perfectly in a short time. The program is too efficient to design or create a complex project with any of the file formats identified as Visio, Word, PDF, PPT, JPEG, Html, and further. The new version of SketchUp Pro Crack is here to download which is similar software for editing.

Final Words:

With Edraw Max Torrent, the clip art is on your fingertips either in vector form or simple. Utilize the built-in scales and adjust the size of the shape among 10% and 400% without any fear of resolution loss. No more blurred diagrams. Probably, resize or rotate the shape along with the facility of dragging or the drop options for perfect diagrams. It is proving very handy to solve the entire business problem through reliable diagrams.

Useful Features:

  • Get the wonderful but the good-looking charts and graphs for different purposes.
  • It provides the advantage of vector & graphics designing with the entire famous format.
  • Visualize all the information in diagrammatic form.
  • Build-in readymade templates and shapes.
  • Compatible with all image formats (Word, PDF, PPT, JPEG, and Html).
  • Professional diagrams with the style and the effects.
  • Create the Flowcharts and organizational charts, for the business.
  • Ribbon layout style making it easy for engineers to improve their skills.
  • Makes your projects and share it with anyone.
  • Highly quantity diagram with the editing.
  • Thus, drag and drop the shapes among different locations.
  • A smart toolkit for all types of diagrams creation.

What is New?

  • Improved user interface
  • Added some new attributes
  • Also, it comes with some new diagrams
  • The version includes inserting QR code function
  • Fix bug related to new floor plans
  • Some other minor improvements
  • Plus, enhanced the support with Visio .vsdx file
  • Added some new Genogram templates and symbols

Edraw Max 10.5.3 License Key:





More Information:

Developer: EDrawSoft
File Size: 290 MB
Supported OS: Mac/Windows
Price: $99
Licensed Crack

How to Activate EdrawMax?

  1. You need to follow some simple steps
  2. To Activate Edraw Max activation code from here
  3. Download setup and other files from here
  4. Install trial version and don’t run it yet
  5. Block Windows Firewall and also close internet connection
  6. Open crack folder and run it
  7. Click on activate button and wait for a minute
  8. All Done, Enjoy All The Features

System Requirements:

  • The processor must be more than 1 GHz
  • 2 GB system RAM for good performance
  • More than 700 MB free disk space for installation
  • Available for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10
  • You can also it on macOS system

Why Use Crack of Edraw Max 2021?

Edraw Max removes the concept of black and white diagrams. Install the latest version of this application and go to the colorful library that gives wonderful color to your diagrams. Highlight the important part of the diagrams with the arrows and much more. However, the interface of Edraw Max Crack is well decorated with the thousands of the object for providing help in diagram creation. You may like to download TemplateToaster full version.

Crack+Setup Keygen


Review Date
Reviewed Item
Edraw Max

Author Rating

Software Name
Edraw Max
Software Name
Mac and Windows
Software Category

When to draw ER diagrams?

Since their inception, ER diagrams have come a long way. These days, an Entity Relationship Diagram can be used to depict the co-relation between any two or more objects (apart from database). Here are some of the common scenarios where an ER diagram can help you.

  • It can be used to provide a graphical representation of a database model.
  • You can use an ER diagram to identify the common entities in a system and depict how they are related to each other.
  • You can break down the conceptual, logical, and physical model of a database.
  • It can also help you further explore the tables stored in your database with respect to their attributes and relationships.
  • Whenever you wish to provide a blueprint of the database or its graphical representation, an ER diagram would come handy.
  • Apart from database or software development, ER diagrams can also be used to depict real-world entities and draw relationships between them. This can be used in IT, management, design, and almost every other sector.

Interface and In Use

To start using Edraw Max, download it from the company’s site and run the installer. When you first open the app you’ll be presented with a list of available template categories. You can either choose a template or a pre-existing example.

(Image credit: Wondershare)

After you’ve chosen a template, you’ll move to the workspace. There are toolbars on top and to the left and right of the canvas on which you do the drawing. If you’ve chosen a particular type of diagram, the left menu will present you with a library of associated shapes. If you choose a pre-existing example, the canvas will be filled with that, and you can then click on elements to edit or remove them.

Unlike many graphic design or desktop publishing apps, there’s no file menu with Edraw Max. The button in the top left corner that says ‘File’ actually takes you back to the template-browsing interface, and from there, the arrow in the top left corner will return you to the workspace.

People who are familiar with graphic design and desktop publishing apps will get the hang of Edraw Max relatively quickly, but there is a lot going on in terms of different toolbars, and it may be a bit overwhelming for those not used to this sort of interface.

(Image credit: Wondershare)

Wondershare Edraw Max Features

Below are some noticeable features which you will experience after Wondershare Edraw Max Free Download

  • Reliable 2D and 3D diagram designing tool for architects, designers and engineers allowing them to create professional and high-quality diagrams, Gantt chart a, UML diagrams, business cards, flyers, certificates, invoices, house plans and many more.
  • Comprehensive cross-platform designing application that offers a rich gallery of examples, effects, styles and templates and small sample images.
  • Enables the users to produce efficient and attractive images.
  • Offers huge built-in graphic library which includes more than 50,000 graphic shapes like various type of symbols, icons and shapes.
  • Efficient application for students, teachers, and business professionals to create and publish all kinds of diagrams to represent any sorts of ideas.
  • Has got a wide range of collaborative tools which enables you and your teammates to edit designs and files simultaneously.
  • Offers a unique and straightforward user-friendly interface that is easy to use.
  • Full-featured designing application that provides you with all the essential tools and functions you are required to make professional and perfect sketches.
  • Supports cloud storage so that you can get access and share your workflow on any device , any time and any where.
  • Ability to import your designs into a wide range of popular formats like HTML, PDF, BMP, ZIP, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, WMF, and EMF.
  • Gives a streamlined print preview to show your diagram page breaks and zooms capabilities clearly.
  • Highly secure, all the information and file transfers are secured with the highest level of SSL encryption.

Запуск и работа Wondershare EdrawMax

Первое, что нас поражает в Wondershare EdrawMax, это большое количество шаблонов по умолчанию, которые у нас есть, всех видов, включая возможность очень легко и быстро создавать инфографику. Слева мы видим, что пользовательский интерфейс напоминает нам Visio, но эта программа имеет больше интегрированных ресурсов. В разделе различных шаблонов мы можем подробно увидеть каждую категорию, такую ​​как базовые диаграммы, бизнес, блок-схемы, организационная диаграмма, управление проектами и, конечно же, сетевые диаграммы.

Если мы перейдем в раздел сети, мы можем увидеть различные диаграммы, связанные с миром сетей, такие как Active Directory, AWS, Azure, диаграммы локальной сети Ethernet, диаграмму сети отеля, диаграмму CPD, диаграмму WAN и даже топологии, использующие Cisco для разные сертификаты. Эти шаблоны доступны только для платной версии программы, мы не сможем открыть ни один из них, если у нас есть ознакомительная версия.

Если мы попытаемся открыть один из этих шаблонов, он сообщит нам, что мы должны перейти на премиум-версию, и что у нас будет неограниченный доступ к более чем 1,000 предопределенных шаблонов высокого качества.

Если мы откроем пустую диаграмму, мы можем добавить различные элементы с левой стороны, мы также можем настроить заливки, линии, тени и многое другое, кроме того, графический интерфейс очень похож на Visio, поэтому переходите с Visio на этот Wondershare EdrawMax будет действительно простым для вас, поскольку параметры конфигурации находятся в том же месте, но с большим количеством возможностей, чем программное обеспечение Microsoft.

В нашем случае вы можете увидеть очень простую сеть, состоящую из маршрутизатора с брандмауэр, коммутатор, точка доступа, а также три ПК, кроме того, у нас есть много фигур для построения сетевых диаграмм, как вы можете видеть ниже:

Как вы видели, Wondershare EdrawMax — отличное программное обеспечение для создания сетевых диаграмм и всех видов, в нашем распоряжении есть тысячи шаблонов, чтобы максимально использовать возможности этой замечательной альтернативы Visio, кроме того, то, что вызвало у нас примечание, является что действительно быстро и легко создавать диаграммы.

Pirated Version of Edraw Max

If you don’t have money for one of the offered plans, or you just want to save money by getting the illegal Edraw Max free, find out about the possible problems that await you and your computer first.

Lack of Technical Support

If you ask developers a question, they will answer you only after they verify your account code in the database. Since a pirated software does not have any unique code (it is standalone), support service will not help you, and you won’t be able to solve your problem.

It Is Illegal

By using the hacked Edraw Max free download links, you become a criminal. You are violating copyright law. Do you know what punishment awaits you? To begin with, it might be a fine (from $2,000), confiscation of private property (car, home and even business), as well as imprisonment of up to 5 years.

No Updates

With the illegal version of Edraw Max, you will not be able to update your software and get new cool features. That is, you are deliberately depriving yourself of the opportunity to use the constantly improved software and increase your productivity.


The most serious problem with the hacked Edraw Max free download, as with all similar programs, are viruses. That is the main reason why many users prefer licensed programs.

In the case of malware, any antivirus software can handle it. But it’s not so easy with more complex viruses aimed at stealing your data.

Final Words

And that’s it! Wondershare Edraw Max is an ideal diagramming software that boasts various business visuals capabilities. It’s very effective and costs less than half of what the competitors are charging. Besides, the flexible payment plans make it easy to choose the specific plan that perfectly fits your organization’s needs.

Edraw Max is powerful and features more than enough templates and examples to simplify designing and documenting diagrams. And while learning how to use the functions might be challenging at first, it gets better as you get used to the program’s interface and layout. So, whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, this incredible platform will certainly simplify your workload.

Hope you enjoyed my Edraw review!


PS, for other Wondershare product reviews please check out this article.

Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols

After understanding the major concept of an Entity Relationship Diagram, you are all prepped-up to draw a model on your own. To do this, you need to know how to depict every important component in an ER diagram.

• Rectangle: Used for an entity or an entity type

• Diamond: This represents the relationship between different entities

• Double rectangle: Represents a weak entity

• Double diamond: Depicts a weak relationship

• Double Ellipse: Defines a multi-valued attribute

• Ellipse with a line: This is used for a primary key attribute

• Lines: They simply link relationships with entities or entities with attributes

How To Use Wondershare Edraw Max

To better understand Edraw Max, let’s go through how to create a flow chart:

Step #3.

Click the Start symbol and drag/drop it onto the drawing page. Drag and drop all the symbols you wish to use at this stage.

Step #4.

On the toolbar, click the Connector button and select your desired type of connectors to link the symbols effortlessly.

Step #5.

Once the symbols are connected, customize the resulting flow chat using the wide range of formatting tools available.

From the theme panel, you can change the theme color, connector style, theme scheme, and font style with just one click. What’s more, the WYSIWYG feature allows you to see the changes in real-time for accurate formatting.

Once you’re done with formatting, you can save and convert your work into different file types like PDF, Word, Excel, Graphics, PPT, and HTML. Just click File>Export and choose your preferred format. You can also share your flow chart using the file tab. Simply click File>Share and choose whether to copy the link or share via platforms like Pinterest and Twitter.

Wondershare Эдрау Макс Функции

Ниже приведены некоторые заметные функции, которые вы испытаете после загрузки Wondershare Edraw Max Free.

  • Надежный инструмент для проектирования 2D и 3D диаграмм для архитекторов, конструкторы и инженеры, позволяющие создавать профессиональные и качественные диаграммы, Диаграмма Ганта а, Диаграммы UML, визитки, листовки, сертификаты, счета, планы дома и многое другое.
  • Комплексное кроссплатформенное приложение для проектирования с богатой галереей примеров, эффекты, стили и шаблоны и небольшие образцы изображений.
  • Позволяет пользователям создавать эффективные и привлекательные изображения.
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  • Предлагает уникальный и простой удобный интерфейс, которым легко пользоваться..
  • Полнофункциональное приложение для проектирования, которое предоставляет вам все необходимые инструменты и функции, необходимые для создания профессиональных и идеальных эскизов..
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  • Высокая безопасность, вся информация и передача файлов защищены высочайшим уровнем шифрования SSL.

How to draw a basic ER Diagram with EdrawMax?

Now when you know the nitty-gritty of an Entity Relationship Diagram, you can easily create one by following these steps:

Step 1: Identify entities

This is the most important aspect of any ER diagram. At first, you need to identify what are the major entities involved in it. For instance, if we are creating an ER model for the university, then it would have three entities – Students, Course, and Teachers.

Step 2: Figure Out Relationships

Relationship is acting as the bridge among entities. Usually, relationships reflect the interactions, which are verbs like «buy», «contain» and so on. In the following example, the relationships are «perform», «work», «has», and «married».

Step 3: Add Attributes

The next step is to add the attributes. In the ER diagram, the attributes usually are the further indication of each entity, such the «ID», «Name» and others. In the example below, the attributes are «Name», «Age», «ID».

Step 4: Orgainze ER Diagram

The final step is to organize all the elements in your ER diagram in a logic way, from which the complex data could be simplified visually.

That’s a wrap, everyone. I’m sure that after reading this guide, you would be able to learn what is an Entity Relationship Diagram, its major components, and how to draw one. Although ER diagrams are extremely useful, they are mostly confined to relational database. If you wish to depict an object oriented database component, then it might not meet your requirements. Thankfully, with a tool like EdrawMax, you can easily explore all kinds of flowcharts and models to come up with engaging visuals like a pro.

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Overview of Wondershare Edraw Max 10.5.0 – Review

It has been around for 16 years and is considered a great tool for drawing sides of Windows, Mac, and Linux. There is also a web-based speaker for users who choose to work online. The app can be used to create more than 280 different types of diagrams such as flowcharts, organization charts, Gantt charts, UML models, ERDs, genograms, floor plans, and more. It is the best way to launch Visio and allows importing Visio files.

We have also installed the Template Gallery, which allows our users to share their designs and experience,” said Edwin Wang, product director of Wondershare Edraw.

What is Wondershare EdrawMax?EdrawMax is an all-in-one drawing software that makes it best of the best wayt to create professional flowcharts, organization charts, network diagrams, business presentations, building plans, mind maps, science imagery, fashion design, UML drawings, workflow , program structures, web design diagrams, electrical engineering diagrams, directional maps, data diagrams and more.

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Best For

Edraw Max combines 100% functionality with libraries for all of our other products. It is a software with flexible graphics, with features that make it perfect and not just about the beautiful flowchart

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