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New Feature Highlights

1.1 Shadows for Omni Lights

Illuminate a space with light and its story will unfold from the shadows.

With the new shadows for Omni Lights, available in Lumion 11.3, rendering architectural design with the vitality of dynamic lighting becomes a natural, integrated part of your process. Simply apply an Omni Light object and Lumion takes care of the rest. The light and shadow come alive, looking exactly as they should and dancing in time to the tune of your design.

OmniLights now have Shadows (with the three usual quality setting as in Spotlights).  Also, a Shadow Exclusion Zone so that you can exclude shadows if the light needs to be within an object, such as within a bulb.

1.2 Multifunctional Clip Planes

There is a unique flavor to every work of architecture, a quality that’s inherently personal to the architect and exclusive in style. Showing that can sometimes be a challenge, but now in Lumion 11.3, you can reveal all the layers of your design, from multiple angles, with the Multifunctional Clip Planes option.

Create Photos and Movie Clips with:

  • Up to a maximum of 3 Clipping Planes.
  • Set the Target Layer to Clip or Clip all Layers.
  • Place or move each of the Clip Planes to any Layer.

1.3 New character silhouettes

In the world of architectural rendering, your design is the star of the show. So when you want to clearly communicate a deeper level of information about your project, without distracting from the design, you can take advantage of the new silhouette coloring for characters available in Lumion 11.3.

1.4 Improved Group selection

With improved Group selection and editing in Lumion 11.3, you’ll have even more control over the management of your Lumion Project and all the objects and Group of objects within it.

As shown in the above image, when a Group is selected, the links to all objects in the Group are visible.

In earlier versions, it was only possible to select Groups when the user was in the Select All category. It is now possible to select a Group whenever the Group contains an object from the currently active Category. This should make it more convenient when working with Groups in Scenes with lots of content. 

Objects in the Group are selectable without going into Edit Group. This allows for quick tweaks on object properties, like changing the color, adjust the parameters for a light, etc. For changing the Position, Rotation, and/or Size you will still need to enter Edit Group.

1.4.1 Groups:

  • Groups are now also selectable when the group contains an object from the active Object Category.
  • When a Group is selected, you can directly change object properties without using the Edit Group tool in the Object Properties. When the All Category is selected you can select all objects in the Group. When another Category is active you can only select objects in the Group that are from this category. Position, Rotation, and Size are locked for the objects in the Group.
  • In Edit Groups, the advanced features have been removed for objects (Focus on Selection, Randomise Size, Randomise Position, Randomise Rotation, Conform to Landscape, Place on Landscape).
  • Spotlights, Utilities, Sounds FXs, are ignored for the rotation of a Group.
  • When Grouping or loading a Group, the orientation of the Group is based on:

    • if only one object from the Transport category is in the selection, then the vehicle is leading, if not, then;
    • if only one Imported Model Object is in the selection, then the Imported Model Object is leading, if not, then;
    • if one `other` item is the selection, then the `other` item is leading, if not, then;
    • No specific rotation for the Group Node.

1.5 Rendered Grid and Measurements

How high are the walls? What’s the slope of the roof? How far apart are these two objects? These are quintessential details that clients, colleagues, and other invested parties will need to know, and in Lumion 11.3, you can skillfully create informative yet beautiful images and animations that show all the measurements throughout your design.

  • Select per object to render the Grid or Measure objects.
  • Set a custom color for the Grid and Measure objects.
  • Place and move the Grid and Measure objects to any Layer.

Major Features

  • Its 3D models are built in natural ways. That is, they are real.
  • The package can create a movie from the 3D images it has rendered.
  • Its 3D rendering is very fast.
  • Material levels have been enhanced.
  • Contains tools for decorating.
  • Builds roadmaps, garden maps, maps for towers, and other features.
  • Designs layouts and shapes for a vehicle, a feature mechanical engineers would like.
  • Over 172 exotic objects included to tweak media.
  • Previous features now come in various sizes and shapes.

System Requirements for Lumion 11

  • Operating System: Windows 10 (only 64-Bits), Vista (must be SP2), 7, 8.1
  • Memory: Not less than 20GB should be free on hard disk
  • DX: v11 or a later one.
  • Display Resolution: at least 1600 by 1080

Lumion 11.5.1 трещина 32-64 бит с Keygen & поток

Хорошо, Lumion 11.5.1 выходит, и это круто. Без какой-либо предварительной и специальной подготовки, Это позволяет архитектуре преобразовывать проекты САПР в красивые рендеры.. Это самое лучшее и простое и Мощный инструмент для 3D-проектирования программного обеспечения САПР. Любой архитектор может легко понять и использовать его, дав ему 15 минут. Получение действительно хороших результатов от Lumion 11.5.1 про трещину 2021 полная версия с торрентом невероятно проста. Это легко использовать, легко учить, и дает быстрые качественные результаты.

В библиотеке много объектов. Это одна из причин, по которой Lumion является довольно мощным, поскольку это большая библиотека объектов, и вы можете добавить столько, сколько захотите.. Общаетесь ли вы со своим клиентом и показываете ли вы свои проекты, давая вам лучший результат рендеринга. Lumion 11.5.1 Crack с кодом активации всегда вызывает у вас улыбку из-за своего лучшего результата, когда вы сотрудничаете со своей командой, используя реалистичные визуализации.

Как использовать Lumion 11.5.1 Pro Crack?

  • На Lumion есть множество функций и инструментов. 11.5.1 последняя версия с начальным экраном Crack. Вы увидите здесь значок горы наверху, который позволяет начать с пустой сцены..
  • Вкладка «Дом» позволяет начать с выбора готового примера сцены..
  • Значок на панели задач позволяет просматривать и загружать собственные ранее сохраненные проекты..
  • Значок справа от копающего означает, что мы находимся в режиме строительства.. Переместите мышь к левому краю экрана, появляются четыре значка. Значок выглядит как солнышко позволяет настроить погоду. Перемещая ползунки, вы можете изменить количество облаков и силу солнца. Циферблаты меняют направление солнца и время суток.
  • Значок горы символизирует ландшафтные функции.. Вы можете формировать ландшафт или изменять его цвет.
  • Значок дискеты слева позволяет добавлять модели и материалы.. Здесь вы можете импортировать модель. Просто наведите указатель мыши на область, которую хотите изменить.. При выборе области появляются параметры управления материалами..
  • Четвертый значок слева обеспечивает доступ к библиотеке объектов..
  • При нажатии на значок камеры справа требуется только режим фото.. Экран изменится так, будто вы смотрите через объектив камеры.. Вы можете использовать мышь и клавиши со стрелками для позиционирования камеры. Вы также можете сделать видеоролик о своем дизайне, щелкнув значок фильма здесь, чтобы переключить Lumion в режим фильма.. Так, вы можете создать фильм, нажав на запись, а затем снимая фотографии из разных мест.

Совместимость с последней версией

Lumion 11.5.1 Crack with keygen полностью совместим со следующим программным обеспечением и другими. Здесь мы упоминаем некоторые из них не все.

  • Программное обеспечение: Эскиз, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Revit, Cinema 4D, 3DS Макс
  • Изображений: JPG, DDS, PSD, PNG, TGA, и другие.
  • Форматы выходного видео: JPG, MP4, PFM, PNG, BMP.
  • Разрешение выходного видео: 640×360 (480п), 1280×720 (720п), 1920×1080 (1080п), 3840×2160 (4K)

Системные требования

  • Видеокарта: 8,000 Баллы PassMark, 6ГБ памяти
  • ТЫ: 64-бит Windows 10
  • ЦПУ: i7-4790K, i7-6700K или i7-7700K с 4.0+ ГГц
  • Жесткий диск: 20ГБ дискового пространства
  • разрешение: 1920×1080 пиксели
  • Место на жестком диске: 16ГБ или больше

Как использовать Lumion 11.5.1 Pro Crack?

  • во-первых, скачать Crack и извлечь его.
  • Закройте программу перед взломом.
  • Скопируйте файл трещины и вставьте его в папку, в которую вы его устанавливаете.
  • Замените этот файл уже существующим и запустите его.
  • в заключение, ваш продукт активен сейчас.


Скачать Crack + Ключи

Unparalleled speed

Niche users who have used a number of other computer aided design softwares like Revit’s native rendering or V-Ray know that creating the simplest structures on these softwares can take a great deal of time. Designers typically have to carry out a lot of preplanning when they are rendering. When it comes to projects with deadlines, using most computer aided design softwares can get very challenging and there is a high chance things go south due to a lack of time. You no longer have to plan days ahead to come up with the finished design in time or risk losing your client due to delay because Lumion 8 pro takes the waiting out of the process. Creation can be swift using Lumion 8 pro and it is just a matter of seconds before you produce your final image.

Excellent presentations

For most architects, the purpose of computer aided design softwares is to be able to bring a visual representation of their idea to the client, trying to make it as real as possible. Often times, clients still have to carry out a great deal of anticipation as to what the project will look like even after you show them the computer aided design rendering. With Lumion 8 pro, you can let the client look at your design from every angle and distance. The client can hover over the environment you created in real time. This feature has received positive reviews from clients and users because of the numerous ways it lets them view the created model.

Other new features & improvements

2.1: Build Mode

  • Fine-Detail Nature: Removed most of the Fine-Detail Nature object restrictions on:

    • Alt+Move to copy.
    • Add to Groups.
    • Replace Nodes and Place on Nodes.
  • Improved the Light object gizmos: 

    • Gizmo scale is no longer world-size but screenspace size.
    • Height line indicator is only visible when selected (in Build Mode).
    • Gizmo scale no longer creates too wide a cone at large cone angles.

2.2: Effects & Styles

2.2.1 Reflection Effect: The user interface has been updated to clarify the features of the Reflection Effect.

This includes wording changes and tweaking the interface:

2.2.2 Material Highlight Effect:

The effect can be applied multiple times to the Effect Stack, to enable highlighting different surfaces in your scene.

2.3: Miscellaneous

2.3.1 Tutorials:

Added new beginner tutorials for Photo Mode and Movie Mode.

2.3.2 Notification: 

A notification will show on the Home screen when a newer Lumion version is available.

2.3.3 Save errors: Separate error screens are now displayed when an error occurs during the saving of a file.

2.3.4 Load and Save progress for the Lumion icon on the Windows taskbar.

2.3.5 Light source and Specular lighting:

Omni Lights now have a light source that you can toggle on/off. When the light source is on, the Omni Light source will appear in reflections.

Ключевые особенности Lumion 11.5.1 Crack Серийный номер

Lumion 11.5.1 Crack torrent имеет несколько невероятных новых функций, и есть много меньших и несколько больших..


После создания 3D-модели с помощью Lumion 11.5.1 Pro Crack с лицензионным ключом, вам не нужно беспокоиться о правильных эффектах. Просто нажмите кнопку стилей и выберите подходящий стиль для интерьера и экстерьера.. Без времени, ваш дизайн станет прекрасным рендером с потрясающими и сбалансированными эффектами.

Небесный свет

Skylight — это продвижение вперед и симулятор дневного света в нем. Это может помочь вам в правильном освещении ваших изображений в соответствии с окружающей средой.. Мягкой и тонкой тенью, эта функция поможет вам придать вашим изображениям реалистичный эффект.

Нарисованные от руки контуры

В нем также есть новая функция, которая поможет вам преобразовать ваш дизайн в эскиз или художественные эффекты.. С этим эффектом, архитекторы могут сосредоточиться на общей форме и дизайне здания..  Этот эскиз — основа вашего дизайна, который легко и красиво отображается..

Красивые рендеры

Архитекторы и дизайнеры обнаруживают, что Lumion 11.5.1 Pro Crack с серийным номером ключа лучше всего подходит для изображений, ролики, а также 360 панорамы в коммуникативной архитектуре. На выходе ролики выглядят так, будто жизнь дышит в видео с материалами, люди, деревья, и эффекты. Рендеринг очень быстрый с последней версией.

Легко понять

Любой дизайнер или архитектор поддерживает Lumion 11.5.1 Crack может узнать это всего за 15 минут. Он легко может научиться создавать изображения, ролики, 360 панорамы и рендеринг с помощью этого фантастического программного обеспечения. Без обучения, архитектура может создавать видео и изображения.

Changes & Resolved Errors

3.1: Build Mode

  • Landscape Scatter objects: no longer become black when multiple Projects with these objects were opened in the same Lumion session.
  • Nature objects: When 2000 or more objects have been selected the Move, Rotate, and Size tools are grayed out.
  • Corrected the display of the Group icon in the Object Properties window.


  • Updated the lights Color PickerYou can now only select colors that can be used as a light color for all light types (Spotlights, Omnilights, Area, and Line lights).
  • Spotlights: Improved performance when shadow quality is set to Medium or High. Note: this is only noticeable as a screen redraw (FPS) improvement when the project is CPU bottlenecked, it won’t change the graphics card workload.
  • Omni Lights: Added translucency for plants in combination with Omni Lights. It is only visible when you look toward a light.
  • Spotlights: The cone angle is now in degrees.


  • The Add Layer button now no longer overlaps with other Layer tabs.
  • Layer Tabs will no longer get combined causing unreadable Layer names when the text of the Layer name is too long.


  • Missing model files: For when you see the Red Questionmark object for an Imported Model that is unable to be loaded in a Project.  The following changes and fixes were made:

    • Missing file type icon in the Object Properties window.
    • The missing model Placeholder keeps original Position, Orientation, and Scale.
    • The object is now locked and can’t be moved, rotated, scaled, or copied.
    • Can be moved to other Layers.
    • Links to a Knowledgebase article to provide you with further assistance.
    • Is not able to be Grouped.
    • ​It is no longer possible to try using the Find in Library function (there is no lib category for this object).
    • Mouseover on Object Icon (node), will show the file name of the missing model.
    • When saving a Project with the missing model files, the data is lost forever (but can be re-imported if you have the original file).
    • The number of missing objects is listed in Lumion Performance Monitor.
  • Nature objects: Conform to Landscape, hotkey can now be applied to trees and plants from the Nature Category.
  • Nature objects: Shadows for trees and plants are now correct when the Shadow Effect is set to Sharp or Ultra Sharp when the model had double-sided surfaces in certain situations.
  • Invisible objects: In certain cases, other objects in a project no longer go invisible after placing a specific Imported Model from the Imported Model Library.
  • Replace Selection: Now selects the Category of the object selected when the Category is the All Category rather than a default of the Nature Category.  The first object in a multi-selection will be the Category chosen.
  • Clip Planes: Trees and plants from the Nature Category are now clipped as expected. 
  • Flag object: The custom flag texture now displays as expected rather than having to switch to Place Mode.
  • Measure object: All nodes from the same Measure object will always be placed and/or move to the same Layer.
  • Measure object: The vertical height from the ground guideline no longer disappears if it is vertically overlapped by geometry from Imported Models.
  • Place object on Nodes: Will now always open the Nature Category as default and not preselect any model.
  • Object gizmos: The Spotlight, Omni Light, Area Light, Clipping Plane, and Reflection Control Object no longer scale as the scale doesn’t need to change these objects.


  • OpenStreetMap: when disabled it will no longer save OpenStreetMap data in the Lumion Project file.
  • OpenStreetMap: layers are working again for an OpenStreetMap saved in Lumion 10 and opened in Lumion 11.
  • OpenStreetMap: Satellite images are a little bit sharper. The satellite image outside the 2x2km range is still blurrier than the satellite image inside the 2x2km range, as a lower resolution texture is used.
  • OpenStreetMap: sRGB is applied to the satellite image for better color and contrast.

3.2: Photo mode, Movie mode, Panorama mode: 

Photo Mode, Movie Mode&Panorama Mode:

  • Improved performance in the Preview window where the camera eye level widget is shown. This improvement is most noticeable in a scene with many Imported Model surfaces.
  • The camera no longer triggers when typing in a Title for a Photo, Clip or Panorama using keys Q,W,E,A,S,D,U, and O.
  • Fixed an issue where the thumbnail wouldn’t update when Effects and/or Styles were changed.
  • Titles: Words in Titles no longer get translated if it is a word in the Lumion translation file.

Photo Mode:

Photo Sets: Switching between Photo Sets now updates the interface and shows the Style name from the last selected photo.

Movie Mode:

Movie Mode: The Frame Number will no longer exceed the total Frame Number.

New Features

  1. High quality preview In Lumion 10.0, developers have added a high quality preview . When the user clicks on the viewport, the render sequentially shows materials and shadows of ever higher resolution.

  2. Detailed vegetation In the Pro version of Act-3D , 62 models of trees and plants were added to the object library. They warn that since they require more resources, they should be placed rarely enough.

  3. Quick environment creation Another new opportunity concerns the quick arrangement of trees, bushes, as well as other natural objects from the Nature category , for example, stones. To do this, the user can use the new Paint Placement brush .

  4. New Baked Offset Materials In Lumion there were materials that «baked displacement maps » (Displacement Map). To existing developers added 167 new materials with which you can, for example, create a wood surface, brickwork or gravel.

    It is possible that in fact the package uses Parallax 2.5D (Parallax occlusion mapping) instead of Displacement mapping, since the engine does not allow you to add your own displacement map for the material.

  5. Realistic sky effects In the Pro version, developers offer 5 backgrounds for creating a starry night sky and a set of effects for the aurora .

  6. Stylization for famous artists using AI Not the most useful, but certainly the most unexpected was the experimental system of Artist Styles based on machine learning , which stylizes the image for paintings by famous artists . For example, Cezanne or Monet look relatively good for architectural visualization.

Lumion 9 Crack?

You can get the crack here and follow the simple steps below to access its full features without paying a dime. Here are the steps:

  • For a start, download the crack version here
  • Open the folder and extract the installer.
  • Install the crack in so much way as you would install any other app.
  • Substitute the file folder with C:/programs
  • The process is complete and you’re set to enjoy it!


  • The powerful and great rendering tool is very easy to use. You don’t need some complex tutoring to use it.
  • Its rendering speed is incredibly fast. This is a great advantage if you are on a deadline.
  • If there are items you need that you can’t find in the environment, you can get it from its online source.
  • It presents excellent opportunity for presentations.
  • Excellent customer support. Once contacted, the customer service section takes time to address all issues in detail.
  • Rendered images can be exported into videos for viewing pleasure.
  • It doesn’t require much system resources for installation. Again, its installation process is quite easy.


  • Renderings of it are not hyper-real. The best you can get is a make-up via its filter feature to add some “flavors” to it.
  • Its undo feature is limited. In fact, in some earlier versions, undoing a process is totally impossible.
  • Its interface has been termed childish. Though easy to use, it’s quite unattractive.
  • Again, it takes time to run. Howbeit, it renders very fast.
  • When exporting to Video, it consumes lots of space on the hard disk.

Uninstall steps before installing the latest version

  2.1: Quit ArchiCAD.

2.2: Type ‘Add or remove programs’ in the Windows search field, press Enter and uninstall Lumion LiveSync for ArchiCAD (if it exists).

  2.3: Remove all Lumion ».APX’ files from the ArchiCAD Add-Ons folder:

  • Installation drive and folder\ArchiCAD (Version)\Add-Ons\
  • Default location:C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\ArchiCAD (Version)\Add-Ons\
  2.4: Click on the download link above to install the plug-in.

3. Unable to see the plugin in ArchiCAD?

The LiveSync installer checks which ArchiCAD versions are installed via the Windows Registry.

If the ArchiCAD folder name or location has changed since it was originally installed, our installer won’t be able to install the ‘.APX’ files.

You can either re-install ArchiCAD before re-installing the Lumion plug-in, or you can Contact Us for the APX file.

Just make sure to restart ArchiCAD after doing that (if it was already running).

4. Older download links

4.1: Download the desired version below.

4.2: Unzip and extract the file ‘ArchiCADToLumionBridge.apx’ to a folder.

4.3: Follow the instructions in section 2 above.

4.4: Move ‘ArchiCADToLumionBridge.apx’ to Installation folder\ArchiCAD (Version)\Add-Ons\

Available Lumion Viewer versions

Lumion Pro users download it directly from your Lumion Account.


Lumion 11.5.1 Viewer 6 July 2021
Lumion 11.5 Viewer 1 June 2021
Lumion 11.3.1 Viewer 26 March 2021
Lumion 11.3 Viewer 16 March 2021
Lumion 11.0.1 Viewer 8 December 2020 The download link is also available in the Getting started with Lumion 11.0.2 email for Lumion Pro. 
Lumion 11.0.1 Viewer 24th November 2020 The download link is also available in the Getting started with Lumion 11.0.1 email for Lumion Pro.  
Lumion 11.0 Viewer 17th November 2020 The download link is also available in the Getting started with Lumion 11.0. 
Lumion 10.5 Viewer 9th July 2020 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 10.5 email for Lumion Pro. 
Lumion 10.3.2 Viewer 17th March 2020 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 10.3.2 email for Lumion Pro. 
Lumion 10.0.2 Viewer 3rd December 2019 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 10.0.2 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 10.0.1 Viewer 18th November 2019 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 10.0.1 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 10.0 Viewer 4 November 2019 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 10.0 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 9.5 Viewer 18 June 2019 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 9.5 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 9.3.1 Viewer 4 April 2019 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 9.3.1 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 9.3 Viewer Not available Lumion 9.3 Viewer is not available.
Lumion 9.0 Viewer 29 November 2018 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 9.0.2, or Lumion 9.0 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 8.5 Viewer Not available Lumion 8.5 Viewer is not available. However, you can open an ‘*.LS8’ Scene files from Lumion 8.5 Pro in Lumion 8.3 Viewer. The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 8.5 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 8.3 Viewer 27 March 2018 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 8.5, or Lumion 8.3 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 7.5 Viewer 10 July 2017 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 7.5 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 7.3 Viewer 5 June 2017 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 7.3 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 7.0.1 Viewer 1 December 2016 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 7.0.1 email for Lumion Pro.
Lumion 6.5.1 28 June 2016 The download link is available in the Getting started with Lumion 6.5.1 email for Lumion Pro.


  • The Lumion Viewer is an optional installation.
  • It is only available for Lumion Pro licenses.
  • It is not available for Lumion Pro Student licenses. 

Lumion Viewer is only needed if you want to send a project to a client and give them the unique ability to see and fly through the model in Lumions’ real-time 3D.

Please also note these important details:

  • The Lumion Viewer can only open Projects made in Lumion Pro.
  • To ensure the best viewing experience, the client will need a PC with the same (or better) specifications as the PC you are using to run Lumion.
  • The client must also install the latest graphics card drivers and all available Windows updates.

Features of the Lumion 12.7 Pro Crack

It is now easier to communicate your design’s form clearly, with the ‘hand drawn’ outline effect. To draw focus towards your building’s form and shape, apply this effect alongside artistic, sketch or photorealistic effects. This is a natural and beautiful rendering of the skeletal structure of your design.

Soften Hard Edges

When looking at an object in real life, the edges of their surfaces appear to be a bit worn or rounded. You never find them to be perfectly sharp. The new slider for edges, in Lumion 8 Pro Crack, enables your model to look more weathered and natural.

Such images are closer to reality and can truly represent the characteristics of homes and physical buildings. By making the edges of adjacent faces smooth, you can enhance the realism and give an aged appearance.

Easily and effectively, by simply moving a slider, you can soften the corners of wood, concrete, bricks and other materials.

Tilt Shift

Maquettes seem to have this uniqueness about them that renders generated by computers simply cannot replicate. Your design can become part of a small world of its own by application of the ‘tilt shift’ effect in the Lumion 9 Pro Cracked.

This tilt shift blurs the background and the foreground and changes the plane of focus, from a viewpoint that is on top of your model inside Lumion. This is a camera effect that creates a scaled-down version of the actual object by transformation of your CAD model.

Material and Model Variation

Does the wood flooring fit in with the stone wall? Will the client prefer Design A or Design B? Or maybe it is tricky to find a match for the home’s patio and the siding.

In any case, there is an easier way to compare multiple models material options using the newly introduced ‘variation control’ effect. This also makes life easy for your clients when they have to decide between arrays of concept options and select the look that is satisfactory.

This feature in the Lumion 8 Pro Cracked is highly beneficial for you, as an architect, as it allows you to speed up the flow of your work. Especially when communicating and researching for the best design solution.

New Measuring Tools

The new measuring tools in the Lumion 8 Pro Cracked can aid you by making fast and accurate measurement checks without you having to go back and forth to the modeling software. Whether you want to find out how far the couch is from the television or how spacious the patio is, these tools are there to help you.

These on-screen tools enable you to accurately verify the distances and ensure the scale and precision of your model.

Foliage For Materials

This exclusive ability is allowing transformation of simple shapes into foliage that looks more realistic, you can create hedges of any shape or size that you imagine. You can even insert creepers, crawlers and climbers along entire surfaces e.g. statues or walls. And you may also add a simple tinge of green to the ground if you wish.

Lumion 8 Pro Crack has a variety of up to nine preset climbing plants which will allow you to cover entire walls with plantation or just add a leafy dash to materials. This will be a breath of fresh air for your design.


This is a beta function that allows you to pick any location anywhere in the world. Using the 2D data from the OpenStreetMap database, Lumion 8 Pro Crack will generate a 3D map that corresponds to it.

Text Effect

You can now add logos and text overlays to your videos directly from the application. Because of the various transition effects present in the Lumion 8 Pro Crack, you do not have to separately add text to your movie by using external editing software.

This built-in text feature also enables you to place 3D texts that will fade automatically with the camera closing in.

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Lumion Pro 10.5 Crack could be a useful tool for design. While they use to Secure and best program that’s able for your own. While they build and produce something in line with the requirements of their end-users. Powerful computer software to get turning up the sketch and then shift its files into the masterpiece. Therefore, Every one of them and the best work can be performed in design and seconds. While which is realized by just about every individual. Also, the tool uses to supply the picture editor, version position, and edit the substances. For example, water, landscape, and dirt as well as the skies. Provide all that we’re waiting for. It’s the finest and uses to get your movie and picture by supplying attributes. Therefore,  for example, a specific target on tutorials and visuals and a lot much more.

Lumion Pro Crack borrows life rapidly right to a sketch, 3Ds, rev-it files along with also others. Therefore, several more fashionable results. Ideal for pushing and pulling the right into an improved contour. While, the other Users may readily make video clips, adjusting the fast rate along with jaw-dropping images. Also, it Gave 360 panoramas for price in a few moments. Lumion Torrent is productive to generate pictures of rather large-top quality. While it also uses this kind of procedure is fast and quick, and it is effortless and secure. Therefore, feature the intuitive and stunning interface so that they use it there. Also, it will undoubtedly alter the picture of almost any type at any time they need.

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