Configuring controllers

GameCube Controller

Real GameCube Controller (GameCube Adapter)

To use the actual GameCube Controllers using an Official GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U (and its clones), see How to use the Official GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U in Dolphin. It does not require any button configuration. That does not apply to the adapters that behave as generic controllers and need to be configured (see below).

Emulated GameCube Controller

After setting any one of the emulated GameCube ports, proceed to the «Configure» button for each. One left unconfigured will be considered dummy «plugged in» during the game emulation.

Choose any device that is connected to your PC in the Device dropdown, and set the buttons and axes to your liking.

  • Left click a slot to detect input, then press a button/key or axes on your selected device to save it to that slot.
  • Middle click a slot to clear it of inputs.
  • Right click a slot to show more input options. See Input Syntax for documentation and examples.

If you controller supports it, Rumble will allow your controller to experience the GameCube controller’s rumble functionality. Within the rumble configuration window, click on the motor pattern you wish to use (sine, cosine, etc), and press «Select» to apply it. If you wish to add a second pattern, click another pattern and press «| OR». Hit «OK» to accept the changes and exit the window.

Control Stick Calibration limits the radius of the joystick input. This is used to map the dimensions of the input source.

Always Connected forces the emulated controller to stay connected to the emulated Gamecube.

Profile allows you to save/load input configs.

After setting up everything that you want, click «OK» and the changes will save.

NOTE: If the controller is significantly off center in Dolphin but nowhere else, check all controller axis to see if one has a «+-» on it . This is not supposed to happen and is the source of your bug.

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7 сентября 2021 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

/ Тема на форуме

Many gaming communities over the years have reached out to thank emulator developers for their efforts. Emulators are an important part of many classic game communities and give players access to features like netplay multiplayer, modding, and savestates, while also opening up the doors to enhancements not possible on console. Sometimes it’s simply more convenient to use an emulator that runs on your desktop, tablet, or phone rather than to dig out and hook up the original console every time you want to play one of your favorite games. However, it’s important to state that our relationship with gaming communities is mutual, and without the help of players and fans, there’s no way we could handle maintaining a library of thousands of games.

In this Progress Report, the gaming communities were the direct catalyst to many of the changes. They went on difficult debugging adventures, caught small issues that would be invisible to anyone who wasn’t extremely familiar with the game, and even came up with patches to make games friendlier to emulator enhancements. All of these contributions, even if it’s not code, are appreciated and help make Dolphin what it is today.

So, without further delay, let’s get started with the August Progress Report! Enjoy.



1 августа 2021 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

Emulation is often seen as this suspect gray area of gaming that is tolerated but always on the edge. There’s a lot of negativity and questions around the merit and purpose of emulation. In contrast to that narrative, the overwhelmingly positive reaction to some of the features added the last few months, including heartfelt reactions from users, make all of the challenges and struggles so much easier.

As we drift further from the heyday of the GameCube and Wii, we’ve been seeing a greater impact not only on the past generations of gamers, but the current one. It was heartwarming to see long-time users able to play Four Swords Adventures with their kids or friends across the world. The gratitude we received from users finally able to try previously hard-to-access features in their favorite games was so appreciated. We love these games and consoles the same as you, and we want to make sure that they live on.

Sometimes with all the negativity in emulation, it’s refreshing to have something that makes both the developers and the users happy. And while we’d love to revel in past accomplishments, there’s still so much more work to be done. We graciously thank everyone for their kind words over the past few months, and hope you continue to enjoy using Dolphin Emulator. With that said, it is about time that we get started with the June and July Progress Report.



21 июля 2021 г.

Your eyes are not deceiving you. As of 5.0-14690, Dolphin now has mGBA directly built into it as a new way to handle Game Boy Advance connectivity with GameCube titles. For those who don’t know, mGBA is the most renowned and accurate GBA emulator of this era and has been rapidly improving since its inception. Recently, we wrote about mGBA adding support for our TCP GBA protocol, but this is something completely new. With integration and synchronization work done by bonta, connecting your favorite GameCube titles with a Game Boy Advance for multiplayer and other bonus features is now greatly simplified. Dubbed the Integrated GBA, a stripped-down version of mGBA will boot up alongside Dolphin when set to one or more controller ports. These mGBA instances are clock-synced to GameCube emulation for impeccable connection stability. By bringing these two emulators together in one package, GBA connectivity features now work with popular features like savestates, input recordings, and netplay! All of this comes with the added bonus of improved performance and compatibility. If you don’t believe us, check it out yourself!

Introducing the Integrated GBA!


  • Bandwidth requirements are very light: any DSL or Cable internet connection should do. However, the internet demands rapidly increase as more players are added. Because the latency (ping) of the internet connection determines how low input latency can get, using Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi usually improves the gameplay experience.
  • Each player must have their own copy of the game, and the region and game revision of all copies must match. While most compressed game formats are compatible with standard ISOs (with NKit being a notable exception), it is heavily recommended that all players use identical dumps.

Netplay Settings

How to set the Pad buffer

Because input on the GameCube and Wii are polled by non-frame intervals, buffer does not directly relate to frames and can even vary per game. Lower the buffer as much as possible without causing slowdown for an optimal experience, ideally in areas that insure there isn’t computer related slowdown such as a menu. In most games, add roughly 1 pad buffer per 15 ms of latency per client. Two players at 50 ms latency would be roughly 3 — 4 buffer, where as three players at 50 and 65 ms would be roughly 7 buffer.

Assigning Controller Ports

By default, only players of the first port on each computers will be used. The host will be player one, and the first joiner will be player two, and so on. But the host can change the port order and invite the secondary players of the same computer. To do so, simply hit the «Assign Controller Ports» button, then add and/or order their names to the port number respectively.

Setting a Spectator

A Spectator is a connected computer that has no controllers assigned to them. Any player can be turned into a spectator by going to the «Configure Pads» window (only host has access to it) and remove the their name from the controller ports. The spectator will not cause lag or latency but can still watch the Netplay session.

Host Input Authority

This gives the host control over when inputs are sent to the game, effectively decoupling players from each other in terms of buffering. This allows players to have latency based solely on their connection to the host, rather than everyone’s connection. Buffer works differently in this mode. The host always has no latency, and the buffer setting serves to prevent stutter, speeding up when the amount of buffered inputs exceeds the set limit. Input delay is instead based on ping to the host.

This can result in smoother gameplay on unstable connections, as well as allowing players with much higher latency than others to play without increasing everyone’s latency. However, this comes at the expense of latency fairness, which may make it not suitable for competitive play.

Golf Mode

This addition to Host Input Authority allows the player with no input latency to change mid-game. This is incredibly useful for games where only one player is playing at a time, like a golf game. Do note that all other players experience a latency penalty in this mode, so it should only be used for games where only one player is playing at a time.

Reduce Polling Rate

This option used to significantly reduce the polling rate in order to lower network usage. However, it is no longer necessary in the latest development versions due to a bug fixed in how much controller data was being sent.

Setting Up Dolphin

Your Netplay Experience will greatly vary depending on what version you tend to use. Because Dolphin 5.0 is lacking so many Netplay features at this point, it cannot be recommended for use. It is missing important features like Wii Save Synchronization (), Automated Settings Synchronization (), Cheat Code Synchronization (), Synchronize All Wii Saves () as well as protections for recovering saves if Netplay is to crash.

Rule of thumb is that most settings should be set to default and you are expected to follow specific settings where the instruction (made by host or matchmaking websites) has told you to set before playing online.

Hosting or Joining a Session

Under the tools menu, you can find the option to «Start Netplay Session». From there you have several options.

  • When hosting a session, you can choose whether to Direct Connect or use a Traversal Server. Both will have the same latency, however using the traversal server allows you to use a host code instead of your IP Address. Depending on your router, you may not even need to port forward when using the traversal server.
  • You can join a session by browsing public Netplay sessions or going to «Start Netplay Session» to get to the page where you can join sessions. You can enter a host code or IP Address as needed in the «Connect» tab.

While Dolphin does try to automatically configure and sync settings to be correct, it is important to be familiar with settings that can affect Netplay.

Basic Settings
  • Enable Dual Core: ON
  • Enable Cheats: OFF
  • Speed Limit: 100%
DSP Emulator Engine
Device Settings
  • Slot A: Memory Card
  • Slot B: <Nothing>
  • SP1: <Nothing>
Device Settings
  • Deterministic Dual Core Netplay is now merged into master. While compatibility is not perfect, it should allow more games to work on dual core with three exceptions. Games that require Skip EFB Access to CPU, Store EFB Copies to Texture Only and/or Store XFB Copies to Texture Only unchecked in the Graphics > Hacks settings are not guaranteed to run correctly. Deterministic Dual Core can be faster than Single Core in some games, but may also be much slower if a game relies on certain visual effects. Single Core mode in Netplay is the same single core mode used outside of Netplay and has no compatibility penalty.
  • SD cards do work on Netplay but must be manually synchronized. Any difference at all in the SD card, no matter how minor, will cause desyncs in games that access the SD card.

Settings Synced

As of , most settings that affect determinism will be synced to other clients, so only the host needs to ensure correct settings. Games which use EFB reads or EFB to RAM are likely to desync with mismatched graphics settings, therefore Strict Settings Sync should be used, which will additionally sync most graphics settings except for backend.

On older revisions, only these settings will be synced over:

  • Advanced Settings from General menu
  • Misc Settings from Wii menu
  • CPU Options from Advanced menu

Note that over long periods of time, using different video backends may eventually cause a detected desync. However, because not all target operating systems support all backends, Dolphin will never attempt to synchronize graphics backends. If you do see a seemingly random detected desync during very long play sessions and you are using different graphics backends, this is usually the cause. These desyncs usually do not manifest in anything immediately broken, but it is still recommended you save and restart to prevent issues.

Graphics Configuration

(No desync in most games)

Most settings under Enhancements menu can mostly be turned on or off without incident on higher end processors. The only exception to this is when an enhancement breaks a game, such EFB Copy readback. If a game requires EFB Access from CPU or EFB Copies Stored to RAM for game mechanics, the game may freeze or run slowly unless you use Single Core. It is highly recommended you do not change these settings while Netplay is actually in session, however.

Controller Settings

Enable and configure GameCube controller port 1 for your controller (this applies to both host and joiners). If you’re attempting to use a Native GameCube Adapter for Wii U on netplay, make sure the controller port is set to that in the controller configuration.

If you’re attempting to GBA GCN netplay, the same rules apply as GameCube Controllers with some key differences. Much like GameCube controllers, it will pull the controller configuration from the first available controller port’s settings, but you also have to enable the GBA controller in the netplay settings window. For setting features like a «default ROM» on netplay, this actually is configured *per port* and will not grab information from the first port. As a note, all GBA saves are synchronized from the host, even for GBAs that they’re not controlling. GBA GCN netplay requires 5.0-14690 or newer.

Wii Remotes are far more particular about how they are setup in Netplay. Unlike GameCube Controllers, you must configure the Wii Remote you are assigned to in the Netplay lobby. As such, Player 2 will use their Wii Remote 2’s configuration. Once Wii Remotes are configured correctly, they usually work fine for the remainder of the session If you notice any desync while playing with emulated Wii Remotes, it is highly recommended you save immediately, as a desync in Wii Remote reporting modes will crash the emulator.

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7 сентября 2021 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

/ Тема на форуме

Many gaming communities over the years have reached out to thank emulator developers for their efforts. Emulators are an important part of many classic game communities and give players access to features like netplay multiplayer, modding, and savestates, while also opening up the doors to enhancements not possible on console. Sometimes it’s simply more convenient to use an emulator that runs on your desktop, tablet, or phone rather than to dig out and hook up the original console every time you want to play one of your favorite games. However, it’s important to state that our relationship with gaming communities is mutual, and without the help of players and fans, there’s no way we could handle maintaining a library of thousands of games.

In this Progress Report, the gaming communities were the direct catalyst to many of the changes. They went on difficult debugging adventures, caught small issues that would be invisible to anyone who wasn’t extremely familiar with the game, and even came up with patches to make games friendlier to emulator enhancements. All of these contributions, even if it’s not code, are appreciated and help make Dolphin what it is today.

So, without further delay, let’s get started with the August Progress Report! Enjoy.



1 августа 2021 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

Emulation is often seen as this suspect gray area of gaming that is tolerated but always on the edge. There’s a lot of negativity and questions around the merit and purpose of emulation. In contrast to that narrative, the overwhelmingly positive reaction to some of the features added the last few months, including heartfelt reactions from users, make all of the challenges and struggles so much easier.

As we drift further from the heyday of the GameCube and Wii, we’ve been seeing a greater impact not only on the past generations of gamers, but the current one. It was heartwarming to see long-time users able to play Four Swords Adventures with their kids or friends across the world. The gratitude we received from users finally able to try previously hard-to-access features in their favorite games was so appreciated. We love these games and consoles the same as you, and we want to make sure that they live on.

Sometimes with all the negativity in emulation, it’s refreshing to have something that makes both the developers and the users happy. And while we’d love to revel in past accomplishments, there’s still so much more work to be done. We graciously thank everyone for their kind words over the past few months, and hope you continue to enjoy using Dolphin Emulator. With that said, it is about time that we get started with the June and July Progress Report.



21 июля 2021 г.

Your eyes are not deceiving you. As of 5.0-14690, Dolphin now has mGBA directly built into it as a new way to handle Game Boy Advance connectivity with GameCube titles. For those who don’t know, mGBA is the most renowned and accurate GBA emulator of this era and has been rapidly improving since its inception. Recently, we wrote about mGBA adding support for our TCP GBA protocol, but this is something completely new. With integration and synchronization work done by bonta, connecting your favorite GameCube titles with a Game Boy Advance for multiplayer and other bonus features is now greatly simplified. Dubbed the Integrated GBA, a stripped-down version of mGBA will boot up alongside Dolphin when set to one or more controller ports. These mGBA instances are clock-synced to GameCube emulation for impeccable connection stability. By bringing these two emulators together in one package, GBA connectivity features now work with popular features like savestates, input recordings, and netplay! All of this comes with the added bonus of improved performance and compatibility. If you don’t believe us, check it out yourself!

Introducing the Integrated GBA!

Why consider dropping 32-bit builds?¶

The Dolphin Emulator team is constantly searching for ways to improve the development pipeline. From the insane to the mundane, hundreds of ideas will come and go every year as for how to make things better. But the past few months have seen a reoccurring theme: 32-bit builds break, and many of the developers question its worth.

Windows XP has been unsupported for months

Dolphin has already dropped Windows XP support. With a little under 10% of our users still using the OS, Windows XP was a significant share of our users, but at the same time the team made a decision not to let any particular OS hold us back. The only reason for dropping XP support is because the latest Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler doesn’t support Windows XP. The aging operating system’s days were numbered simply by that, and once the move was made to C++11, there was no going back. The unintended side effect to that drop is that Dolphin no longer supported any operating systems that were primarily 32-bit. Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 are all designed for 64-bit.

Dedicated 32-bit processors are very outdated and cannot run Dolphin at playable speeds

On the hardware side of things, x86_32 processors died a long time ago. It’s only thanks to Microsoft selling 32-bit versions of their operating system that any sizable number of Dolphin users need 32-bit builds at all! Since 2003 when x86_64 processors debuted, the newer architecture has proven itself far superior to the original specs it was based off of. Any computer that needs 32-bit due to memory constraints or processor limitations simply won’t run Dolphin at usable speeds, so what use is there in supporting it? Any computer that can run Dolphin is already using a 64-bit processor.

Dolphin’s 32-bit builds are not indicative of the Dolphin experience

Most programs can have 32-bit builds and 64-bit builds without trouble or more commonly host only 32-bit builds and let 64-bit users use it as well. For those programs, the benefits of 64-bit don’t matter much at all, and the end users need not worry about any of it!

This is not true with Dolphin, where some games still do not run full speed on any existing configuration. Dolphin sees very important and observable benefits in its 64-bit builds! With a 64-bit address space, Dolphin can reserve a 4GB area that maps to GCN/Wii memory boosts performance greatly and, more importantly, 64-bit has twice as many registers. This brings the emulator much closer to the number of registers to that of the PPC processor. Plus, since 64-bit is large enough to fit the DSP’s 40-bit registers, it can run DSP JIT (Just In Time) recompiler for a nice speedup. 32-bit has to fall back on the CPU-intensive interpreter functions for most DSP instructions. In addition to all of that, compilers even generate better code thanks to the ability to do 64-bit memory operations without needing special alignment.

In preparation for this announcement, we did thorough performance testing to compare 32-bit builds and 64-bit builds with no idea how they would actually turn out. While we knew that 32-bit was a little slower, the results were shocking.


One of the more annoying aspects of 32-bit Windows support is that the operating system lacks critical features for development. This means that menial changes that work on other other platforms break it again and again. For Dolphin’s Just In Time Compiler (JIT), that means making special code for 32-bit builds all the time. This is not only is frustrating, but also stunts development as it slows down developers and prevents them from undertaking projects in the first place!

Worse yet, there is a severe lack of testing on the 32-bit builds. For 100 revisions, there were a total of zero issue reports despite the fact that 32-bit builds were totally nonfunctional! This makes it harder for developers to figure out what broke the builds, and forces them to go back into old projects that were already considered complete.

There is also the case of compiling the builds themselves. Windows requires twice as many buildbots thanks to requiring 32-bit support, taking twice the space and using twice the processing power of our servers. To put it simply, it has become very difficult to maintain 32-bit builds. This even causes confusion among many users; according to advanced statistics gathered from the downloads page, more than 60 percent of the 32-bit downloads are done by 64-bit OSes. The majority of 32-bit users are 64-bit users needlessly using an inferior build!

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7 сентября 2021 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

/ Тема на форуме

Many gaming communities over the years have reached out to thank emulator developers for their efforts. Emulators are an important part of many classic game communities and give players access to features like netplay multiplayer, modding, and savestates, while also opening up the doors to enhancements not possible on console. Sometimes it’s simply more convenient to use an emulator that runs on your desktop, tablet, or phone rather than to dig out and hook up the original console every time you want to play one of your favorite games. However, it’s important to state that our relationship with gaming communities is mutual, and without the help of players and fans, there’s no way we could handle maintaining a library of thousands of games.

In this Progress Report, the gaming communities were the direct catalyst to many of the changes. They went on difficult debugging adventures, caught small issues that would be invisible to anyone who wasn’t extremely familiar with the game, and even came up with patches to make games friendlier to emulator enhancements. All of these contributions, even if it’s not code, are appreciated and help make Dolphin what it is today.

So, without further delay, let’s get started with the August Progress Report! Enjoy.



1 августа 2021 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

Emulation is often seen as this suspect gray area of gaming that is tolerated but always on the edge. There’s a lot of negativity and questions around the merit and purpose of emulation. In contrast to that narrative, the overwhelmingly positive reaction to some of the features added the last few months, including heartfelt reactions from users, make all of the challenges and struggles so much easier.

As we drift further from the heyday of the GameCube and Wii, we’ve been seeing a greater impact not only on the past generations of gamers, but the current one. It was heartwarming to see long-time users able to play Four Swords Adventures with their kids or friends across the world. The gratitude we received from users finally able to try previously hard-to-access features in their favorite games was so appreciated. We love these games and consoles the same as you, and we want to make sure that they live on.

Sometimes with all the negativity in emulation, it’s refreshing to have something that makes both the developers and the users happy. And while we’d love to revel in past accomplishments, there’s still so much more work to be done. We graciously thank everyone for their kind words over the past few months, and hope you continue to enjoy using Dolphin Emulator. With that said, it is about time that we get started with the June and July Progress Report.



21 июля 2021 г.

Your eyes are not deceiving you. As of 5.0-14690, Dolphin now has mGBA directly built into it as a new way to handle Game Boy Advance connectivity with GameCube titles. For those who don’t know, mGBA is the most renowned and accurate GBA emulator of this era and has been rapidly improving since its inception. Recently, we wrote about mGBA adding support for our TCP GBA protocol, but this is something completely new. With integration and synchronization work done by bonta, connecting your favorite GameCube titles with a Game Boy Advance for multiplayer and other bonus features is now greatly simplified. Dubbed the Integrated GBA, a stripped-down version of mGBA will boot up alongside Dolphin when set to one or more controller ports. These mGBA instances are clock-synced to GameCube emulation for impeccable connection stability. By bringing these two emulators together in one package, GBA connectivity features now work with popular features like savestates, input recordings, and netplay! All of this comes with the added bonus of improved performance and compatibility. If you don’t believe us, check it out yourself!

Introducing the Integrated GBA!

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