Как установить ghostscript для xnview

Presence on the World Wide Web

Ghostscript’s home page

Ghostscript has a home page on the World Wide Web with helpful information
such as the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Adobe PostScript, Encapsulated
PostScript, and PDF reference documentation

Adobe makes a wealth of technical documentation available over the Web,
including the

PostScript Language Reference Manual (Third Edition); the

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) Format Specification version 3, including

format; the
PDF Reference manuals.
The Acrobat SDK contains

pdfmark and Acrobat Distiller parameters documentation.
Some of these documents
are also available at Adobe’s ftp
site, but not necessarily under the same filenames.

Other material on the WWW

Much other material about Ghostscript is available on the World Wide Web,
both as web pages and as archived Usenet and mailing list discussions. Use
the well-known search engines to find such material.

Overview of how to install Ghostscript

You must have three things to run Ghostscript:

  1. The Ghostscript executable file; on some operating
    systems, more than one file is required. These are entirely
    platform-specific. See below for details.

  2. Initialization files that Ghostscript reads in when it
    starts up; these are the same on all platforms.

    • gs_*.ps unless Ghostscript was compiled
      using the «compiled initialization files» option. See the documentation of
      PostScript files distributed with Ghostscript.

    • pdf_*.ps if Ghostscript was compiled
      with the ability to interpret Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files,
      that is, pdf.dev was included in
      FEATURE_DEVS when Ghostscript was built.

    • Fontmap and Fontmap.GS (or the
      appropriate Fontmap.xxx for your platform), unless
      you plan always to invoke Ghostscript with the .
  3. Fonts, for rendering text. These are platform-independent,
    but if you already have fonts of the right kind on your platform,
    you may be able to use those. See below for details. Also see the
    documentation on fonts.

The usage documentation describes the search
algorithms used to find initialization files and font files. The
per-platform descriptions that follow tell you where to install these

Бесплатные шрифты

Есть несколько наборов свободный Шрифты, поставляемые для Ghostscript, предназначены для обеспечения метрической совместимости с общими шрифтами, прилагаемыми к стандарту PostScript. К ним относятся:

  • 35 базовых внесено URW ++ Design and Development Incorporated, Гамбург, Германия, в 1996 г. GPL и AFPL. Это полный набор шрифтов, аналогичный классическому набору Adobe: Bookman L (Книжник), Учебник века L (Учебник нового века), Канцелярия L (Цапф Канцелярия), Дингбаты (Zapf Dingbats), Готика L (Авангард), Нимбус Моно L (Курьер), Нимбус Роман No9 L (Раз), Nimbus Sans L (Helvetica), Палладио Л (Палатино), Стандартные символы L (Символ) в форматах Type1, TrueType и OpenType.
  • Пакет GhostPDL (включая Ghostscript, а также сопутствующие реализации HP PCL и Microsoft XPS) включает дополнительные шрифты в рамках AFPL, запрещающие коммерческое использование. Он включает версии URW ++ Garamond (Гарамонд № 8), Оптима (URW Classico), Arial (A030), Antique Olive, и Университеты (U001), Clarendon, Коронет, Письмо готический, а также URW Mauritius и измененная форма Альбертус известный как A028. В сочетании с базовым набором они составляют немногим больше половины стандартного набора шрифтов PostScript 3.
  • Разный набор, включающий Кириллица, Кана, а также шрифты, полученные из бесплатных шрифтов Hershey, с улучшениями Томаса Вольфа (такими как добавление акцентированных символов).

Шрифты Ghostscript были разработаны в формате PostScript Type 1, но были преобразованы в формат TrueType, могут использоваться большинством современного программного обеспечения и часто используются в сообществе разработчиков ПО с открытым исходным кодом. Шрифт Garamond был дополнительно улучшен. 35 основных шрифтов URW были впоследствии включены в GNU FreeFont и TeX Gyre.

Document roadmap by theme

What should I read if I’m a new user?

  • how to use Ghostscript. This includes both
    a quickstart introduction to the commandline version and more extensive
    reference material.
  • detailed information about specific
    devices that Ghostscript can use for output
  • more detailed information about how to use Ghostscript under
    Unix with as a filter
    for printing
  • for information about known problems or to report a new one,
    please visit bugs.ghostscript.com
    but remember that free versions of Ghostscript come with with

GPL and commercial Ghostscript

GPL Ghostscript, Artifex Ghostscript and AFPL Ghostscript are different releases.

additional information about GPL Ghostscript
releases that is not relevant to commercial versions.

If you run into any questions, or if you are going to be using Ghostscript
extensively, you should at least skim, and probably eventually read:

  • about the fonts distributed with
    Ghostscript, including how to add or replace fonts
  • a description of the Ghostscript language,
    and its differences from the documented PostScript language
  • about the postscript files distributed with
    Ghostscript (other than fonts)

Before building Ghostscript

If you are going to compile Ghostscript from source, rather than just use an executable
you got from somewhere, you may want to read:

how to build Ghostscript and
install it

Which document contains what?

Here is the list in alphabetic order of Ghostscript documentation,
with explanations of the contents.

On MS-Windows and OS/2, Ghostscript is compiled as a dynamic
link library (DLL). On Linux, Ghostscript can be compiled as
a shared object. This describes how to use it. For developers.
Guidelines and style for C coding, which you should follow
if, for example, you or add or
change something in Ghostscript. For developers.
The conditions under which Ghostscript may be distributed in a
commercial context. See also the .
On OS/2, MS Windows-16 and MS Windows-32 platforms, Ghostscript is
compiled as a dynamic link library (DLL). This describes how to use it.
For developers. This DLL interface is obsolete.
Use instead.
Code orientation for developers. Contains a detailed breakdown of
the source files by functional group, and overviews of the major
architectural features and services.
Documention for deprecated devices and features. Features described here
will be removed in future versions of Ghostscript.
Detailed information about some specific devices for which Ghostscript
can produce output. Run «» to see which
devices a particular version of Ghostscript is built to use.
Describes the interface between Ghostscript and device drivers. If
you do this, you should also read and use the . Necessary to develop a new driver. For
about fonts freely available for Ghostscript, and how to add and use new
fonts. Also describes how to use Ghostscript fonts as X Windows fonts. For
both users and developers.

The history of changes in all Ghostscript releases:

How to install Ghostscript. See also .
The relationship between the Ghostscript interpreter and the
PostScript language as defined by Adobe.
A description of the Ghostscript library, a set of procedures to
implement the graphics and filtering capabilities that are primitive
operations in the PostScript language and in Adobe Portable Document Format
(PDF). For developers.
How to build Ghostscript executables from the source code. See also
. It’s not necessary to be a highly
experienced developer to build or install Ghostscript, but some experience
is needed.
A brief description of the latest release or pre-release of
Ghostscript, and a list of any incompatible changes in it. Changes in older
releases are described in the history files «»,
which are usually installed in the documentation directory. Run
«» to see where that is.
The guidelines and style for postscript coding in Ghostscript. Some
of Ghostscript is implemented in the postscript language itself, and
various utilities and examples are distributed with it. You should
follow these guidelines if you’re extending or modifying those files.
For developers.
Detailed information on how to use Ghostscript through
to convert PostScript to Adobe
Encapsulated PostScript Interchange (EPSI) format.
Detailed information on how to use Ghostscript, GhostPCL and GhostXPS to convert PostScript, PDF, XPS, PCL or PXL input to Adobe
Portable Document Format (PDF), Adobe PostScript Level 2, Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Level 2, Open XML (XPS) or PCL-XL.
A description of the PostScript files (other than font files)
distributed with Ghostscript, including initialization routines, utility
programs, and sample printable files.
Contains a table of «third party libraries» (that is, code from outwith the
Ghostscript/GhostPDL project) that we import to our project and supply in our
releases. Including the purpose they serve, the version we QA and ship, the
license under which the code distributed and the URL for the «upstream»
The GNU Affero General Public License, which states the conditions for using
and redistributing GPL Ghostscript.
This document.
A description of how to prepare and test a Ghostscript release. Of
interest only to developers who want to create new Ghostscript versions for
A guide to the Ghostscript source code, for development and debugging.
How to set up Ghostscript as a Unix
Detailed instructions on how to use Ghostscript, including such
matters as designating an output device; choosing a default paper size;
how Ghostscript finds files, including font files; how it uses environment
variables; notes on specific platforms, including the X Window System; and
command-line options.

Возможности [ править | править код ]

Ghostscript может осуществлять конвертирование файлов PostScript в файлы различных графических форматов, выводить на дисплей интерпретированное содержимое и осуществлять печать на принтерах не поддерживающих PostScript; часто используется как «виртуальный принтер» для создания документов в формате PDF или PostScript из программ, не поддерживающих конвертирование в эти форматы.

Может использоваться как процессор растровых изображений (RIP) для растровых компьютерных принтеров — например, как входной фильтр для LPD — или как механизм RIP для программ просмотра PDF или PostScript.

Поскольку Ghostscript является интерпретатором языка, то он может также использоваться в качестве универсальной среды программирования. Ghostscript был перенесён на многие операционные системы, включая Unix, Linux, Mac OS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, MS-DOS, FreeDOS, OS/2 и AmigaOS.

GhostScript — Entwickler: Artifex Software Inc. Aktuelle Version: 8.64 (3. Februar … Deutsch Wikipedia

Ghostscript — Entwickler Artifex Software Inc. Aktuelle Version 9.04 (8. August 2011) … Deutsch Wikipedia

GhostScript — Développeur Artifex Software Inc … Wikipédia en Français

Ghostscript — Desarrollador Artifex Software Ghostscript, Ghostview y … Wikipedia Español

Ghostscript — (escrito por Peter Deutsch, fundador de Aladdin Enterprises), es el programa intérprete por excelencia de documentos en formato PS (y también PDF). Ghostscript permite presentar datos PS y PDF en la pantalla y además traducirlos de manera que… … Enciclopedia Universal

Ghostscript — infobox software name = Ghostscript caption = Ghostscript Logo author = L. Peter Deutsch developer = Artifex Software released = August 11, 1988 [cite web |url=http://ghostscript.com/doc/current/History1.htm#Version1.0 |title=History of… … Wikipedia

Ghostscript — GPL Ghostscript Développeur Artifex Software Inc. Première version … Wikipédia en Français

GhostScript — GNU Public Domain Postscript (Interpreter, siehe http://www.desy.de/cgi bin/man cgigs) … Acronyms

GhostScript — GNU Public Domain Postscript (Interpreter, siehe http://www.desy.de/cgi bin/man cgigs) … Acronyms von A bis Z

GNU Ghostscript — Développeur Projet GNU Première version 2004 Dernière ver … Wikipédia en Français

Where to get them


Ghostscript 7.03 is split in five parts: 

  1. The RISC OS application and support files: GSapp703.zip
    (835 KB) — New 10-January-2002
  2. Required ghostscript support files: GSsup703.zip
    (1074 KB) — New 10-January-2002
  3. Ghostscript documentation: GSdoc703.zip
    (903 KB) — New 10-January-2002
  4. Standard ghostscript fonts: GSfnt65a.zip
    (1311 KB)
  5. and: GSfnt65b.zip
    (518 KB)

To build Ghostscript for yourself you will need:
(77 KB) — New 10-January-2002
and probably a fair amount of patience. This includes the RISC OS specific source code and makefiles.
It also includes the few code changes I made to the Ghostscript code itself. Finally it includes the
scripts used to automate the job of building Ghostscript. Some small parts of the code are borrowed directly from UnixLib.
If you have the stomach for it, download, try to follow the instructions, see how you get on, improve it if you dare …..

PSUtils is available in a single file: PSUtils16.zip
(354 KB) (current version 1.16). 

Presence on the World Wide Web

Ghostscript’s home page

Ghostscript has a home page on the World Wide Web with helpful information
such as the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Adobe PostScript, Encapsulated
PostScript, and PDF reference documentation

Adobe makes a wealth of technical documentation available over the Web,
including the

PostScript Language Reference Manual (Third Edition); the

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) Format Specification version 3, including

format; the
PDF Reference manuals.
The Acrobat SDK contains

pdfmark and Acrobat Distiller parameters documentation.
Some of these documents
are also available at Adobe’s ftp
site, but not necessarily under the same filenames.

Other material on the WWW

Much other material about Ghostscript is available on the World Wide Web,
both as web pages and as archived Usenet and mailing list discussions. Use
the well-known search engines to find such material.

Which document contains what?

Here is the list in alphabetic order of Ghostscript documentation,
with explanations of the contents.

On MS-Windows and OS/2, Ghostscript is compiled as a dynamic
link library (DLL). On Linux, Ghostscript can be compiled as
a shared object. This describes how to use it. For developers.
Guidelines and style for C coding, which you should follow
if, for example, you or add or
change something in Ghostscript. For developers.
The conditions under which Ghostscript may be distributed in a
commercial context. See also the .
On OS/2, MS Windows-16 and MS Windows-32 platforms, Ghostscript is
compiled as a dynamic link library (DLL). This describes how to use it.
For developers. This DLL interface is obsolete.
Use instead.
Code orientation for developers. Contains a detailed breakdown of
the source files by functional group, and overviews of the major
architectural features and services.
Documention for deprecated devices and features. Features described here
will be removed in future versions of Ghostscript.
Detailed information about some specific devices for which Ghostscript
can produce output. Run «» to see which
devices a particular version of Ghostscript is built to use.
Describes the interface between Ghostscript and device drivers. If
you do this, you should also read and use the . Necessary to develop a new driver. For
about fonts freely available for Ghostscript, and how to add and use new
fonts. Also describes how to use Ghostscript fonts as X Windows fonts. For
both users and developers.

The history of changes in all Ghostscript releases:

How to install Ghostscript. See also .
Description of operators that are for internal/developer use only.
The relationship between the Ghostscript interpreter and the
PostScript language as defined by Adobe.
A description of the Ghostscript library, a set of procedures to
implement the graphics and filtering capabilities that are primitive
operations in the PostScript language and in Adobe Portable Document Format
(PDF). For developers.
How to build Ghostscript executables from the source code. See also
. It’s not necessary to be a highly
experienced developer to build or install Ghostscript, but some experience
is needed.
A brief description of the latest release or pre-release of
Ghostscript, and a list of any incompatible changes in it. Changes in older
releases are described in the history files «»,
which are usually installed in the documentation directory. Run
«» to see where that is.
The guidelines and style for postscript coding in Ghostscript. Some
of Ghostscript is implemented in the postscript language itself, and
various utilities and examples are distributed with it. You should
follow these guidelines if you’re extending or modifying those files.
For developers.
Detailed information on how to use Ghostscript through
to convert PostScript to Adobe
Encapsulated PostScript Interchange (EPSI) format.
Detailed information on how to use Ghostscript, GhostPCL and GhostXPS to convert PostScript, PDF, XPS, PCL or PXL input to Adobe
Portable Document Format (PDF), Adobe PostScript Level 2, Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Level 2, Open XML (XPS) or PCL-XL.
A description of the PostScript files (other than font files)
distributed with Ghostscript, including initialization routines, utility
programs, and sample printable files.
Contains a table of «third party libraries» (that is, code from outwith the
Ghostscript/GhostPDL project) that we import to our project and supply in our
releases. Including the purpose they serve, the version we QA and ship, the
license under which the code distributed and the URL for the «upstream»
The GNU Affero General Public License, which states the conditions for using
and redistributing GPL Ghostscript.
This document.
A description of how to prepare and test a Ghostscript release. Of
interest only to developers who want to create new Ghostscript versions for
A guide to the Ghostscript source code, for development and debugging.
How to set up Ghostscript as a Unix
Detailed instructions on how to use Ghostscript, including such
matters as designating an output device; choosing a default paper size;
how Ghostscript finds files, including font files; how it uses environment
variables; notes on specific platforms, including the X Window System; and
command-line options.

Document roadmap by theme

What should I read if I’m a new user?

  • how to use Ghostscript. This includes both
    a quickstart introduction to the commandline version and more extensive
    reference material.
  • detailed information about specific
    devices that Ghostscript can use for output
  • more detailed information about how to use Ghostscript under
    Unix with as a filter
    for printing
  • for information about known problems or to report a new one,
    please visit bugs.ghostscript.com
    but remember that free versions of Ghostscript come with with

GPL and commercial Ghostscript

GPL Ghostscript, Artifex Ghostscript and AFPL Ghostscript are different releases.

additional information about GPL Ghostscript
releases that is not relevant to commercial versions.

If you run into any questions, or if you are going to be using Ghostscript
extensively, you should at least skim, and probably eventually read:

  • about the fonts distributed with
    Ghostscript, including how to add or replace fonts
  • a description of the Ghostscript language,
    and its differences from the documented PostScript language
  • about the postscript files distributed with
    Ghostscript (other than fonts)

Before building Ghostscript

If you are going to compile Ghostscript from source, rather than just use an executable
you got from somewhere, you may want to read:

how to build Ghostscript and
install it


Ghostscript изначально был написан Л. Питер Дойч для Проект GNU, и выпущен под Стандартная общественная лицензия GNU в 1986 г. Позже Deutsch основала Aladdin Enterprises, чтобы двойная лицензия Ghostscript также под проприетарная лицензия с собственной разработкой вилка: «Aladdin Ghostscript» под Бесплатная общественная лицензия Aladdin (который, несмотря на название, не является лицензией свободных программ, поскольку запрещает коммерческое распространение) и «GNU Ghostscript», распространяемый с Стандартной общественной лицензией GNU. В версии 8.54 в 2006 году обе ветки разработки были снова объединены, и выпуски с двойной лицензией все еще предоставлялись.

Ghostscript в настоящее время принадлежит Artifex Software и поддерживается сотрудниками Artifex Software и мировым сообществом пользователей. Согласно Artifex, начиная с версии 9.03, коммерческая версия Ghostscript больше не может свободно распространяться в коммерческих целях без покупки лицензии, хотя вариант (A) GPL допускает коммерческое распространение при условии, что весь код, использующий его, выпущен под (A) GPL. Точка зрения Artifex относительно «агрегированного программного обеспечения» была оспорена в суде за MuPDF.

В феврале 2013 года с версией 9.07 Ghostscript изменил свою лицензию с GPLv3 на GNU AGPL. который поднял совместимость лицензий вопросов,[требуется разъяснение] например по Debian.

Installing Ghostscript on OS/2 2.x

The Ghostscript OS/2 implementation is designed for OS/2 2.1 or later. A
few people have used it successfully under OS/2 2.0, but it has had very
little testing. You need these files to run Ghostscript on OS/2:

GSPMDRV.EXE are compiled using EMX/GCC 0.9d. You must have
the EMX DLLs on your LIBPATH; they are available in a
package emxrt.zip from many places on the Internet, so you
can find the package by using a search engine or an ftp lookup service such
as the one at

The system menu of the Ghostscript Image window includes a «Copy» command
to copy the currently displayed bitmap to the Clipboard.

OS/2 comes with some Adobe Type Manager fonts. If you wish to use these with
Ghostscript, you should replace the FONTMAP file with
FONTMAP.OS2, and add to the environment variable
GS_LIB (see below for more information about
GS_LIB) the name of the directory where the fonts are
located, usually C:\PSFONTS. Before you do this, please
read carefully the license that accompanies the ATM fonts; we take no
responsibility for any possible violations of such licenses.

Since GSOS2.EXE is not a PM application, it cannot
determine the depth of the PM display. You must provide this information
using the -dBitsPerPixel option. Valid values are 1, 4, 8
(the default), and 24.

A command file gspm.cmd containing the following line may
be useful:

While drawing, the os2pm driver updates the display every 5
seconds. On slow computers this is undesirable, and a different interval
can be specified in milliseconds with the -dUpdateInterval
option, with a default of -dUpdateInterval=5000; to disable
update, use -dUpdateInterval=0.

Standard VGA is very slow because it uses double buffering to avoid bugs
and because of 1-plane to 4-plane conversion; it’s better to use a
256-color display driver. Many display drivers have bugs which cause 1
bit-per-pixel bitmaps to be displayed incorrectly.

GSOS2.EXE and GSPMDRV.EXE will stay in
memory for the number of minutes specified in the environment variable

If you run GS386 in the OS/2 2.0 or 2.1 DOS box, you must
select the «ENABLED» setting for the DPMI_DOS_API option of the DOS box.
GS386 will not run with the «AUTO» setting.

For printer devices, output goes to the default queue. To print to a
specified queue, use -sOutputFile=\\spool\NullLPT1, where
NullLPT1 is the queue’s physical name.

Copyright 1996, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights

This file is part of AFPL Ghostscript. See the
Aladdin Free Public License (the «License») for
full details of the terms of using, copying, modifying, and redistributing
AFPL Ghostscript.

Ghostscript version 7.03, 20 October 2001

Other displays:

   MS Windows:
       mswindll  Microsoft Windows 3.1 DLL  
       mswinprn  Microsoft Windows 3.0, 3.1 DDB printer  
       mswinpr2  Microsoft Windows 3.0, 3.1 DIB printer  
 *     os2pm   OS/2 Presentation Manager   [OS/2 only]
 *     os2dll  OS/2 DLL bitmap             [OS/2 only]
 *     os2prn  OS/2 printer                [OS/2 only]
   Unix and VMS:
   ****** NOTE: For direct frame buffer addressing under SCO Unix or Xenix,
   ****** edit the definition of EGAVGA below.
 *     lvga256  Linux vgalib, 256-color VGA modes  
 +     vgalib  Linux vgalib, 16-color VGA modes   
       x11     X Windows version 11, release >=4   
       x11alpha  X Windows masquerading as a device with alpha capability
       x11cmyk  X Windows masquerading as a 1-bit-per-plane CMYK device
       x11cmyk2  X Windows as a 2-bit-per-plane CMYK device
       x11cmyk4  X Windows as a 4-bit-per-plane CMYK device
       x11cmyk8  X Windows as an 8-bit-per-plane CMYK device
       x11gray2  X Windows as a 2-bit gray-scale device
       x11gray4  X Windows as a 4-bit gray-scale device
       x11mono  X Windows masquerading as a black-and-white device
       x11rg16x  X Windows with G5/B5/R6 pixel layout for testing.
       x11rg32x  X Windows with G11/B10/R11 pixel layout for testing.

Installing Ghostscript on Unix

Ghostscript uses the common configure, build and install method common
to many modern software packages. In general the following with suffice
to build ghostscript:

This last command may need to be performed with super user privileges.

You can set the installation directory by adding
to the configure invocation in the first step. The default prefix is ,
which is to say the gs executable is installed as .

A list of similar configuration options is available via

For more detailed information on building Ghostscript see
the documentation on building Ghostscript, especially regarding information
on using the older
approach. Whatever configuration method you use, execute «» to install the executable and all the required and
ancillary files after the build is complete.


The makefile installs all the files except fonts under the directory
defined in the makefile as . Fonts need to be
installed separately. The fonts should be installed in
(That is, if you used the default
configuration above.)

If you have Adobe Acrobat installed, you can use the Acrobat fonts
in place of the ones distributed with with Ghostscript by adding the
Acrobat fonts directory to
and removing these fonts from

Similarly, you can have ghostscript use other fonts on your system by adding
entries to the fontmap or adding the directories to the GS_FONTMAP environment
variable. See the for more

For example, many linux distributions place fonts under .

Additional notes on Linux

For Linux, you may be able to install or upgrade Ghostscript from
precompiled RPM files using:

However, please note that we do not create RPMs for Ghostscript, and we take
no responsibility for RPMs created by others.


Ghostscript is an interpreter for PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

Ghostscript consists of a PostScript interpreter layer, and a graphics library. The graphics library is shared with all the other products in the Ghostscript family, so all of these technologies are sometimes referred to as Ghostscript, rather than the more correct GhostPDL.

Binaries for Ghostscript and (seel below) GhostPDF (included in the Ghostscript binaries) for various systems can be downloaded from here.
The source can be found in both the Ghostscript and GhostPDL downloads from
the same site.

Document roadmap by theme

What should I read if I’m a new user?

  • how to use Ghostscript. This includes both
    a quickstart introduction to the commandline version and more extensive
    reference material.
  • detailed information about specific
    devices that Ghostscript can use for output
  • more detailed information about how to use Ghostscript under
    Unix with as a filter
    for printing
  • for information about known problems or to report a new one,
    please visit bugs.ghostscript.com
    but remember that free versions of Ghostscript come with with

GPL and commercial Ghostscript

GPL Ghostscript, Artifex Ghostscript and AFPL Ghostscript are different releases.

additional information about GPL Ghostscript
releases that is not relevant to commercial versions.

If you run into any questions, or if you are going to be using Ghostscript
extensively, you should at least skim, and probably eventually read:

  • about the fonts distributed with
    Ghostscript, including how to add or replace fonts
  • a description of the Ghostscript language,
    and its differences from the documented PostScript language
  • about the postscript files distributed with
    Ghostscript (other than fonts)

Before building Ghostscript

If you are going to compile Ghostscript from source, rather than just use an executable
you got from somewhere, you may want to read:

how to build Ghostscript and
install it

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